Kenji is a Ph.D. stuÂdent with the GoldÂman School of PubÂlic PolÂicy and a researcher in the RenewÂable and ApproÂpriÂate Energy LabÂoÂraÂtory at University of California, Berkeley. His curÂrent research interÂests include empirÂiÂcal studÂies and quanÂtiÂtaÂtive modÂelÂing on the effecÂtiveÂness of renewÂable energy poliÂcies in develÂopÂing and develÂoped counÂtries for effecÂtive deciÂsion makÂing. He is also interÂested in develÂopÂing betÂter tools for quanÂtiÂtaÂtive assessÂment of the mulÂtiÂple benÂeÂfits of cliÂmate poliÂcies such as energy access, job creÂation, and techÂnolÂogy develÂopÂment and transfer.
Kenji has more than 10 years of proÂfesÂsional expeÂriÂences in the are...