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Organization / Workplace
San Francisco Bay Area United States
Ph.D Student, University of California, Berkeley
Government / Military
Kenji is a Ph.D. stu?dent with the Gold?man School of Pub?lic Pol?icy and a researcher in the Renew?able and Appro?pri?ate Energy Lab?o?ra?tory at University of California, Berkeley. His cur?rent research inter?ests include empir?i?cal stud?ies and quan?ti?ta?tive mod?el?ing on the effec?tive?ness of renew?able energy poli?cies in devel?op?ing and devel?oped coun?tries for effec?tive deci?sion mak?ing. He is also inter?ested in devel?op?ing bet?ter tools for quan?ti?ta?tive assess?ment of the mul?ti?ple ben?e?fits of cli?mate poli?cies such as energy access, job cre?ation, and tech?nol?ogy devel?op?ment and transfer.
Kenji has more than 10 years of pro?fes?sional expe?ri?ences in the are...
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