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Help Fight Hunger in America. One Meal at a time.
        Follow @therealko鍖 for updates.
                                                                    Soup kitchens,
                                     49 million Americans
                                                                homeless shelters and
                                      suffer from hunger,
                                                                 other organizations
                                      including 16 million
                                                                 always need food to
                                                                    help the needy.

                                      Restaurants throw          Hunger is not just a
                                      away tons of food          3rd world country
                                    every day but want to        problem. People in
                                    show they are socially        America need to
                                         responsible.                WAKE UP.

The homeless and needy are still American citizens. We can help them feel at home.
                           1. Small local
                        restaurants partner
                          with MealTics.
                                                    2. Restaurant
6. Soup kitchens and
                                                 customers use the
other organizations
                                                  MealTics mobile
can collect the food
                                                 website and use the
                                                  restaurant code.

5. After purchasing a                             3. Customers can
 meal earn a virtual                            purchase healthy meals
tic to win monthly                               to help feed the
        prizes.           4. Customers can             hungry.
                        share this experience

            Stat                       Data
  Number of small restaurants
Number of Americans served daily
                                    50 million    v
Annual small restaurants revenue
                                   $110 Billion
    Number of supermarkets
  Number of smartphone users
                                   101 million

    Frequency of Americans at fast food
       Once Per Week          44%
       Three or More
           Seven               6%
           Never              28%

 Restaurants/Supermarkets                                 MealTic Users
                                                1. Easy and great way to help 鍖ght hunger in
1. Market as a socially responsible business.
                                                         America. Meals cost $1-$4.

                                                  2. Can have a chance to win one of our
  2. Every time a MealTic user shares via
                                                              monthly prizes.
    social media he or she markets the
              restaurant too.
                                                   3. Share your MealTic experience on
                                                facebook and twitter and let your friends
    3. Tax deductible as well as attract
                                                know you want to end hunger in America.
                                                 4. See pictures of the kids and adults you
4. Deepens brand in local communities, way
                                                               helped to feed.
    to give back, build customer loyalty.
                                                5.You are purchasing a meal ON THE SPOT
5. Quick and seamless process at point of
                                                to help a hungry child or adult.You see the
                                                       direct effect of your purchase.

     Launch                            Growth                            Maturity
           Sharing via social media, Kickstarter & viral campaign, word of mouth

Partnering with local soup                                        Expand to countries in
                                   PR:Viral marketing
 kitchens and restaurants,                                          Europe and begin
                               campaign, blogging, celebrity
 promotional materials in                                        worldwide appeal. Online
                                  reps and PR tactics.
      establishments.                                                  purchases.

                                                                  Partnering with various
 Partnering with major          Internet advertising, social    types of vendors including:
 organizations such as             media marketing and           sports arenas, events and
   Feeding America.                   television ads.                     more.
                                         charge 50 cents
                                        on every purchase.
                    Advertising fees    Meals cost $1-$4.
                   for businesses and

 enterprise huh?

How do you make
                   Sponsorships for
                    events we host.
       Princeton Grad                                       USC Grad

Hustler. Experience in founding and            Coder and workaholic. Experience in
  working with various startups.              developing companies Loktr as well as
  Bootstrapper that raised over                  Social Rescue. Also has web and
  $100,000 for GZpoints.com by                 development experience working for
     winning 8 business pitch                   numerous 鍖rms including Synergy
 competitions. The guy you would             Network Solutions and Executive Strategy
       want in your foxhole.                                Systems.
   Ko鍖 Frimpong: Business Guy                         Rob Kumar: Tech Guy
                              Financial Projections (millions)

                              15                                   Summary/Assumptions
                                                                               50,000 Users in 2012
Yearly Revenue (millions)

                                                                      Over 30 partnering restaurants in 2012
                            11.25                                   Launching with cities including: NYC and DC
                                                                       Around 30 partnering soup kitchens/

                                                                   Soup kitchens and other organizations already
                                                                    have volunteers who collect food. They will
                             3.75                                      easily be able to partner with us and
                                                                     recommend the businesses they want to
                                                                                   partner with.

                                     2012        2013       2014
                                                                      MealTics will be in restaurants across the
                                                                                    United States.

                             We have to touch peoples hearts. Similar to how people
                              pay a lot of money for Toms shoes to help children in
                             Africa, people should want to help their fellow Americans
                Branding                 in need. HEALTHY MEALS ONLY!                     Marketing

                                                                                                       Have to sell to
   Our monthly                                                                                         restaurants the
prizes have to be                                                                                     incredible social
     cool and                                                                                               media
engaging. People                                                                                          marketing,
  must see who                                                                                           publicity and
 they are helping                                                                                       how MealTics
  as well. Photos,                                                                                        will attract
  hosting events,                                                                                         customers.

                              Has to be easy for organizations to reach us, restaurants
                             to sign up and users to download the app and share their
                                        MealTic experience via social media.
            Partnerships                                                                    Ease

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  • 1. MEALTICS Help Fight Hunger in America. One Meal at a time. Follow @therealko鍖 for updates.
  • 2. PROBLEM Soup kitchens, 49 million Americans homeless shelters and suffer from hunger, other organizations including 16 million always need food to children. help the needy. Restaurants throw Hunger is not just a away tons of food 3rd world country every day but want to problem. People in show they are socially America need to responsible. WAKE UP. The homeless and needy are still American citizens. We can help them feel at home.
  • 3. SOLUTION: MEALTICS 1. Small local restaurants partner with MealTics. 2. Restaurant 6. Soup kitchens and customers use the other organizations MealTics mobile can collect the food website and use the purchased. restaurant code. 5. After purchasing a 3. Customers can meal earn a virtual purchase healthy meals tic to win monthly to help feed the prizes. 4. Customers can hungry. share this experience on
  • 4. MARKET SIZE Stat Data Number of small restaurants 160,000 Number of Americans served daily 50 million v Annual small restaurants revenue $110 Billion Number of supermarkets 36,000 Number of smartphone users 101 million Frequency of Americans at fast food Once Per Week 44% Twice 20% Three or More 14% Seven 6% Never 28%
  • 5. VALUE PROPOSITION Restaurants/Supermarkets MealTic Users 1. Easy and great way to help 鍖ght hunger in 1. Market as a socially responsible business. America. Meals cost $1-$4. 2. Can have a chance to win one of our 2. Every time a MealTic user shares via monthly prizes. social media he or she markets the restaurant too. 3. Share your MealTic experience on facebook and twitter and let your friends 3. Tax deductible as well as attract know you want to end hunger in America. customers. 4. See pictures of the kids and adults you 4. Deepens brand in local communities, way helped to feed. to give back, build customer loyalty. 5.You are purchasing a meal ON THE SPOT 5. Quick and seamless process at point of to help a hungry child or adult.You see the sale. direct effect of your purchase.
  • 6. USER ACQUISITION Launch Growth Maturity Sharing via social media, Kickstarter & viral campaign, word of mouth Partnering with local soup Expand to countries in PR:Viral marketing kitchens and restaurants, Europe and begin campaign, blogging, celebrity promotional materials in worldwide appeal. Online reps and PR tactics. establishments. purchases. Partnering with various Partnering with major Internet advertising, social types of vendors including: organizations such as media marketing and sports arenas, events and Feeding America. television ads. more.
  • 7. BUSINESS MODEL We charge 50 cents on every purchase. Advertising fees Meals cost $1-$4. for businesses and particular organizations. Social enterprise huh? How do you make money? Sponsorships for events we host.
  • 8. TEAM Princeton Grad USC Grad Hustler. Experience in founding and Coder and workaholic. Experience in working with various startups. developing companies Loktr as well as Bootstrapper that raised over Social Rescue. Also has web and $100,000 for GZpoints.com by development experience working for winning 8 business pitch numerous 鍖rms including Synergy competitions. The guy you would Network Solutions and Executive Strategy want in your foxhole. Systems. Ko鍖 Frimpong: Business Guy Rob Kumar: Tech Guy
  • 9. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS Financial Projections (millions) 15 Summary/Assumptions 50,000 Users in 2012 Yearly Revenue (millions) Over 30 partnering restaurants in 2012 11.25 Launching with cities including: NYC and DC Around 30 partnering soup kitchens/ organizations 7.5 Soup kitchens and other organizations already have volunteers who collect food. They will 3.75 easily be able to partner with us and recommend the businesses they want to partner with. 0 2012 2013 2014 MealTics will be in restaurants across the United States.
  • 10. KEYS TO SUCCESS We have to touch peoples hearts. Similar to how people pay a lot of money for Toms shoes to help children in Africa, people should want to help their fellow Americans Branding in need. HEALTHY MEALS ONLY! Marketing Have to sell to Our monthly restaurants the prizes have to be incredible social cool and media engaging. People marketing, must see who publicity and they are helping how MealTics as well. Photos, will attract hosting events, customers. etc. Has to be easy for organizations to reach us, restaurants to sign up and users to download the app and share their MealTic experience via social media. Partnerships Ease