I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want.
nothinG but mE
ma mother olWeys reminDing mE To tAke a bAth eVerYDay, so iWash my face in thE sink aNd put Some gelz ( CLay LOL haha). iLike weAring mY meDium ShiRt oF my frienDs ( rememBranCE Daw haha) buT if ther's sabAw na naLagay on iT, mom senDs mE baCk To pUt on CleAn Clothes. hoW sweet naMan ni mothEr a hehehe . . .ALL mY liFe I haD bEen loOking fOr somethinG, and evErywhere I turned someone TrieD to tell me wHaT it was.. I aCcEpteD thEir answers toO na kahit sakit tannGapin, though they were oFten in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I w