A pact could be an agreement between friends to do certain activities together over the summer like starting a business, such as a lemonade stand. Feeling queasy can be caused by being deprived of needs like food, water, or sunlight for a plant. A teenager might foist chores onto a younger sibling against their will.
2. Describe a pact you could make with a friend. A pact is an agreement between people or countries in which they promise to do certain things.
3. What might cause a person to feel queasy? If you feel queasy, you have a sick feeling in your stomach.
4. What new venture would be good to start during summer vacation? A new venture is a project that is exciting and even risky.
5. How might a cat show that it is annoyed? To be annoyed means to be somewhat angry about something.
6. What would happen to a plant that you are depriving of sunlight and water? If someone is depriving you of something, the person is keeping you from having it.
7. What might a teenager have foisted on a younger brother or sister? If something is foisted on you, it is given to you whether you want it or not.