Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Adelaide, South Australia
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
Kim works at a kimist in her local kimmunity. She enjoys driving her kimousine (Daewoo Lanos '02), eating Kimder Surprises, and playing kimpetitive Scrabble. On her kimputer (not a MacKimtosh) she skims all sorts of kimformation on Wikimpedia; from kimportant stuff like Abraham Linkim and Kimfucius, to chickim shit like Frankimstein and Justin Kimberlake.
Kim kimsiders herself a kimedian, and quite kimaginative. Kimpelling, kimmaculate, and most kimpressively, she kimmendably kimpletes the kimpossible no matter the predikiment. Holy guakimole!
Okay, that's not kimpletely trieu. Sometimes a kimbecile, Kim can be kimpulsive, kimmature and kimfusin
Users following Kim Trieu