"You are a leader
if you make other people to alleviate the burden of busy people,
and do not let them relax to bother other people."
爬爬伍爬 爬爰爬萎┃爬鉦┻爰 爬項爬 爬む爬 爬爬項┸爬迦┥爬 爬伍┥爬萎爬爬 爬爬爬迦 爬爬鉦 爬爰 爬爰爬謹爰 爬爬萎┬爬爰爛 爬爬 爬朽┸爰園 爬迦爬爬 24 爬爰萎爰 爬爬 爬伍┏爬鉦 爬迦 爬伍爬爬 爬項, 爬爬伍┣爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬萎爰 爬о爬萎 爬萎園爰爛