This document lists the names, graduation years if applicable, dates of death, and brief details about 44 former students and teachers of Buckner Orphans Home who have passed away. It provides remembrances of their lives and accomplishments, as well as noting their families and causes of death. Many served in the military, held professional careers, and had children and grandchildren.
2. 1971 Joe Hime 1962 Ben R. Holland 1953 Esther Peterson (Cherry) 1944 Edna Mae Reynolds 1973 Jerry Rider 1954 Jerry Sims 1949 Billie Woods (Weiss) 1957 Charles Smith 1957 James Golden 1949 Jesse Hardin 1954 Claudine Fulton (Jones) 1955 David Hancock 1975 Virgil Kirby 1940 Mary Heitman (Pepper) 1964 Harry Birdsong 1975 Sally Hobden (Motley) In Loving Memory 1961 Charles Akin 1956 Jerry Wayne Hayes (Foxy) 1933 Lucille Bussell (Crader) 1935 Marie Franks (Bruce) 1933 Dorothy Franks (Parmer) 1939 Clara Overton (Dodson) 1941 Marion Hank Curl 1943 Roy Gary 1947 Marie Hall (Buckner) 1920 Eylysia Conner (Medlin) Nadine Pinky Sikes (Gray) 1943 Mary Culberson (Jenkins) Mrs. Vera McKee (Teacher) Dr. Hayden Paris Memory Room 1948 Jimmie Sherrell (McWhorter) 1948 James Jim Cutshall 1939 Benjamin Ford
3. Charles Akin, 67 Class of 1961. Charles parents worked at the home. He was on the last Buckner football teams of 1959 and 1960. Charles passed away March 9, 2010. Marie Franks Bruce, 92 Class of 1935 She was born Oct. 30, 1916. She entered Buckner in 1929 and graduated from BOH. She married Captain Joe Bruce and lived in Philippines after WWII. Passed away on March 23, 2008.
4. Jesse Hardin 79 Class of 1949 Born April 4, 1930. He was the twin of Dessie Hardin. Always jovial, Jesse graduated from Baylor University and worked for the Texas Highway Department . He passed away July 25, 2010. Claudine Fulton (Jones) , 74 Class of 1954 Born Oct. 5, 1934. She had been ill and developed a fatal blood clot. She passed away on July 25, 2010.
5. Virgil Ray Kirby, 54 Class of 1975 Born Jan. 14, 1956. Virgil is Virgie Kirbys twin and is survived by one 19 year old son and two 16 year old twins. He passed away on June 16, 2010. C harles W ayne S mith , 70 (Class of 1957) Great squirrel hunter. Charles proudly served his country as a decorated member of the Navy. He passed away on July 26, 2010.
6. Mrs. Vera McKee, Teacher of Cosmetology Vera and Otis McKee were two of the most popular employees at Buckner. She is survived by two adult children, Brooke and Marcus McKee. Vera died on Nov. 30, 2009. Wanda Scherer (Silvey) , 86 Beloved 3 rd Grade Teacher Wanda was one of the sweetest teachers at Buckner. She read to us about the Sugar Creek Gang with Big Jim and Little Jim. Wanda passed away May 26, 2010.
7. Marie Hall ( B uckner), 82 Class of 1947. Born Oct. 11, 1928. She had battled lung cancer for years and passed away from lung failure due to pneumonia. Marie retired from AT & T. S he passed away on Dec. 5, 2009. Eulysia Idella Conner (Medlin) 95 Born Aug. 17, 1915. Lived at Buckner with her two brothers, Elvin and Russell Conner from 1920 until she was 17. She passed away on Jan. 10, 2010.
8. Nadine Pinky Sikes (Gray) , 85 Teacher until 1952. Born Dec. 14, 1925. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, one son and daughter. Nadine passed away on Nov. 22, 2009 . M ary S ue Culberson (Jenkins), 81 Class of 1947 Born November 3, 1928. She was married to husband Dale for 43 years. Passed away on November 30, 2009.
9. Clara Dodson (Overton), 89 Class of 1939. Born Nov. 17, 1920. She married Charles Overton in 1941 and had three children. Clara was a Registered Nurse. Clara passed away on Jan. 5, 2010. Lucille Bussell (Crader) 95 Class of 1933. She had diabetes and very poor eyesight and spent her last month in a nursing home. Passed away Jan. 1, 2009.
10. Dorothy Franks (Parmer) 87 Class of 1940. Born July 3, 1922. She had heart failure and passed away in San Antonio on Sept. 15, 2009. Henry Hank Curl 85 Class of 1941. Running back for the 1940 FB champs. He retired as a M aster Sergeant of the Air Force after 26 years of service. He was a veteran of World War II, the Korean War, and Viet Nam. Passed away on March 28, 2009.
11. Jerry Sims, 74 Class of 1954. Jerry was a retired postal worker and as an army veteran was buried at the D-FW National Cemetery. Jerry passed away April 20, 2010. J erry W ayne H ayes , 72 Class of 1956. Foxy never sped up and never slowed down in running the mile so his overall mile time never varied between about two seconds. Foxy passed away Nov. 7, 2009.
12. Mary Heitman (Pepper), 88 Mary was in the class of 1940 and became to her family G ranny P epper. She passed away January 26, 2010. Dr. William De G Hayden, 82 He helped build a memorial in Paris, Texas for Buckner, with a display known as the Buckner Room. Passed away April 30, 2010.
13. Ben R. Holland, 66 Class of 1962. Ben had a big heart and loved everyone. As a former veteran, he was buried at the D-FW N ational C emetery . He passed away March 14, 2010. Joseph William Hime, 56 Class of 1971. Joe was born Dec. 12, 1952 & was the son of former Superintendent Dr. Harold Hime. Joe became a Registered Nurse. He passed away May 21, 2010
14. Jerry Rider, 56 Jerry was in the class of 1972. He was in the VA hospital in Dallas until his cancer was diagnosed as Stage 4. He passed away on May 7, 2010. E sther P eterson (Cherry), 74 Esther was in the class of 1955 . She passed away on May 5, 2010 .
15. E dna M ae Reynolds, 84 Class of 1944. Edna was born May 29, 1926. She was in the Navy and was a private secretary for a shipping company. Edna died of congestive heart failure on March 3, 2010. Billy Fay Woods (Weiss), 80 Billy was born Dec. 28, 1929. A polio survivor, she was Granny-Great to 8 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, and 4 great-great grandchildren. She passed away on April 27, 2010.
16. James Golden, 71 James was a member of the Screaming Eagles of the 101 st Airborne. He worked for Ford Motor Company. He passed away in August of 2010. David Hancock, 75 Class of 1955. David died of a heart attack while driving his car. He had a service disability but ran one of the Dairy Queens in Temple, TX. He passed away on July 24, 2010.
17. Sally Hobden [Motley] 53 Class of 1975. Sally Hobden was born in Omaha, Texas, on April 11, 1957. She lived at Buckner from 1965-1967. Sally passed away August 22, 2010. Benjamin Ford 88 Class of 1939. He was born on November 14, 1919 in Waco, Texas. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served six years during World War II. Ben worked at the University of Texas for 30 years. He passed away July 26, 2008.
18. James Jim Cutshall 81 Class of 1948. James was born in Breckenridge, Texas on May 25, 1929. After serving in the army for 6 years he was employed by Southwestern Bell / AT&T for 34 years. James passed away Sept. 16, 2010. Harry Birdsong , 62 Class of 1965. Harry was born July 20, 1946. He was a brother to Sidney, Carl, Tommy, and Bulan. He was a resident of Mabank & passed away on Jan. 30, 2009.
19. R oy G ary, 82 Class of 1943. Born Aug. 4, 1926. Roy served in the Navy during W.W. II and later became a sheet metal worker. He is survived by his wife of 61 years. Roy passed away on Dec 26, 2008. J immie Sherrell (McWhorter) 79 Class 1948.She was born July 13, 1931. Jimmie had many complications after a stroke. S he had Parkinsons disease. Mbr of basketball team. She p assed away Aug. 30, 2010. Roy at 1938 rabbit hunt