Francisca Nneka - Ellas investiganCarlos Bueno CabelloEl 2 de diciembre de 2014 la Fundación Ramón Areces organizó en colaboración con Mujeres por África la primera Jornada 'Ellas investigan' con el lema 'Mujer, ciencia, tecnología e innovación en África'. Diferentes ponentes abordaron desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar qué medidas habría que tomar para impulsar el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en este continente como motor de progreso global.
Salimata Wade - Ellas investiganCarlos Bueno CabelloEl 2 de diciembre de 2014 la Fundación Ramón Areces organizó en colaboración con Mujeres por África la primera Jornada 'Ellas investigan' con el lema 'Mujer, ciencia, tecnología e innovación en África'. Diferentes ponentes abordarán desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar qué medidas habría que tomar para impulsar el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en este continente como motor de progreso global.
Salimata wade -Carlos Bueno CabelloSeveral African countries have recognized the important roles of women in education, research, science, and economic development. However, nutrition and food security are areas often left behind in training and research. In Senegal, for example, there are few opportunities for women to receive education in agriculture, nutrition, and food security. To address this, a senior woman researcher at the University of Dakar initiated a master's and PhD program in food and human nutrition. The program has trained over 50 students since 2000, over 60% of whom were women, helping to develop expertise in addressing malnutrition issues in West Africa.
14 juilletvaiman764Bastille Day (July 14th) commemorates the Storming of the Bastille in 1789 and the beginning of the French Revolution. By the late 18th century, France was bankrupt due to excessive spending by the royal family and costly wars. The poor harvests and unfair tax system imposed mostly on the ordinary people caused widespread discontent. On July 14th, 1789, thousands of angry Parisians stormed the Bastille prison, a symbol of royal authority, starting the revolution. The king and queen were later executed via guillotine. Bastille Day celebrations today include a military parade and fireworks displays across France.
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Cloud computing 2015 ieee papers Data mining ieee project titlesDoClick SolutionsDoclick Solutions offering IEEE projects for final year students in the below domain IN OUR R&D DIVISION,
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MashaweerShasha FirdauseThis document discusses an application used by Mashaweer, a courier company in Egypt, to manage orders, routes, clients, packages, contracts, representatives, expenses, and assets. It allows for order tracking, invoice printing, package handling, messaging, cash and expense tracking, and data synchronization. Equipping riders with PDAs provides benefits like easier management, order progress tracking, and data collection. The document also argues that Mashaweer's expansion to Cairo was a good decision due to their large client database, manageable self-investment, qualified riders, revenue streams, and technology integration from owning an IT company. It states Mashaweer has an advantage over competitors due to their web-based portal and cloud hosting. Finally
RisaSeptiani PratiwiDokumen tersebut membahas berbagai jenis transformasi geometri dua dimensi seperti translasi, refleksi, rotasi dan dilatasi. Translasi adalah perpindahan setiap titik pada bidang dengan jarak dan arah tertentu. Refleksi adalah transformasi yang memindahkan titik pada bidang dengan menggunakan sifat bayangan cermin. Rotasi adalah transformasi yang memindahkan titik pada bidang dengan perputaran. Dilatasi atau perubahan skala adalah transform
Reading as a physiological process and READING as a COGNITIVE PROCESSDonnah Rose CanonoyPhysiological ProcessesThefunctionsof living organisms and theirparts, and thephysicalandchemicalfactorsandprocesses involved.
The mental or cognitive process in the perception of meaning is also known as Comprehension