Infinum mobilne aplikacije za banke - Tomislav Car - biZbuZZ 2011biZbuZZThe document discusses mobile banking apps and mobile development. It provides information about Infinum, a mobile development company located in Croatia. Infinum has developed over 40 mobile apps, mostly for banks, media companies, and brands. They have won awards for their mobile apps and focus on building useful, attractive, and well-designed mobile banking apps for all major platforms. The document outlines some challenges in developing for mobile and provides 7 tips for mobile development.
Mobilni Internet - Milan Markov - biZbuZZ 2011biZbuZZThe document discusses mobile internet and its growth. It notes that mobile internet refers to accessing the internet from mobile devices like smartphones. It shows charts projecting that mobile internet growth will far exceed desktop internet growth, with mobile data traffic increasing 26-fold between 2010-2015. Key drivers of growth include rising smartphone ownership, increasing network speeds, and growing mobile video usage. The document also provides interesting statistics on current and future mobile internet usage trends.
Kolektiva - Jeffrey TreichelbiZbuZZThe document discusses the potential for group buying and social commerce models like Kolektiva to increase online shopping adoption in Serbia by addressing pain points for both businesses and customers. It analyzes barriers to online shopping and payments in Serbia such as an underdeveloped banking sector, lack of competition and integrated payment solutions, and low consumer trust. The pitch argues that Kolektiva is poised to tip Serbia's e-commerce market by leveraging social networks and delivering a superior customer experience over other online retailers.
Infinum mobilne aplikacije za banke - Tomislav Car - biZbuZZ 2011biZbuZZThe document discusses mobile banking apps and mobile development. It provides information about Infinum, a mobile development company located in Croatia. Infinum has developed over 40 mobile apps, mostly for banks, media companies, and brands. They have won awards for their mobile apps and focus on building useful, attractive, and well-designed mobile banking apps for all major platforms. The document outlines some challenges in developing for mobile and provides 7 tips for mobile development.
Mobilni Internet - Milan Markov - biZbuZZ 2011biZbuZZThe document discusses mobile internet and its growth. It notes that mobile internet refers to accessing the internet from mobile devices like smartphones. It shows charts projecting that mobile internet growth will far exceed desktop internet growth, with mobile data traffic increasing 26-fold between 2010-2015. Key drivers of growth include rising smartphone ownership, increasing network speeds, and growing mobile video usage. The document also provides interesting statistics on current and future mobile internet usage trends.
Kolektiva - Jeffrey TreichelbiZbuZZThe document discusses the potential for group buying and social commerce models like Kolektiva to increase online shopping adoption in Serbia by addressing pain points for both businesses and customers. It analyzes barriers to online shopping and payments in Serbia such as an underdeveloped banking sector, lack of competition and integrated payment solutions, and low consumer trust. The pitch argues that Kolektiva is poised to tip Serbia's e-commerce market by leveraging social networks and delivering a superior customer experience over other online retailers.
Dragana Petković - Kako privući mlade da pišu za vas
1. “Neki novi klinci”
Kako da privučete mlade da pišu za vas
“New Kids on the Net”
Reaching Young Content Writers
Dragana Petković
Dragana Petković
2. Predrasude...
“Od interneta mogu da zarade samo ETF-ovci,
FON-ovci i ostali elektronci... Za to se školuju...”
3. Predrasude...
novinarstva: “Internet
je poslednje mesto na
kome ćete tražiti
informacije, to je pijaca,
ništa nije relevantno...”
Ruka koja te hrani:
“Jedina tvoja obaveza je da završiš taj fakultet i ništa više!”
4. Vi...
• Planirate startup?
Pronađite prave partnere i saradnike
• Tražite nišu?
Pronađite osobu koja strastveno prati neku usku,
specijalizovanu temu - eto niše, a eto i sadržaja
5. Već imate onlajn biznis?
Ponudite mladima način:
Da se uključe
Da uče od vas
Da doprinesu razvoju vašeg posla
Da steknu prvo radno iskustvo
6. Kako to rade “veliki”?
“This is a paid
position, but it
won't pay your
rent - at most
it'll buy you a
few cups of
coffee every
7. Kako to rade “veliki”?
2 805
tokom 2007.
9. Kako organizovati praksu?
1. Osmislite program i plan
3. Izaberite perspektivne učesnike
5. Komunicirajte
7. Edukujte
9. Koordinirajte
10. Šta dobijate?
• Kvalitetne nove sadržaje
• Motivisane saradnike
• Pažljiviji odabir budućih zaposlenih
• Nove ideje, drugačiji pogled na projekat
11. Sadržaji?
• Pronalaženje dobrih izvora informacija
• Autorski tekstovi
• Kontakt sa korisnicima
• Video i foto sadržaji
• Prisustvo na socijalnim mrežama
• Usmeravanje diskusije, moderacija
13. Da. Ali...
• Kvalitet sadržaja?
• Stepen odgovornosti?
• Oročeno?
• Mogućnost automatizacije?
14. Hvala na pažnji!
Dragana Petković
Centar za proučavanje informacionih tehnologija
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