The document discusses the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) which eliminates switching loops in a converged network. STP runs on switches by default and works by disabling redundant links to form a spanning tree topology with no loops. It uses a three step algorithm to choose a root bridge, select root and designated ports, and block redundant ports. Rapid STP and per-VLAN STP were developed to improve convergence times.
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Chapter 5 stp
1. Spanning Tree
CCNA Exploration Semester 3
Chapter 5
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and Witney College 1
2. Topics
? Redundancy in a converged network
? How Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
eliminates layer 2 loops
? The STP algorithm and its 3 steps
? Rapid spanning tree protocol
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
3. Semester 3
LAN Design
Basic Switch Wireless
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
4. We want:
? Redundancy at the
distribution and core
? Multiple switches and
trunk links
? One link or device fails
¨C another takes over.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
5. But redundancy gives loops
? Switching loops give problems if all the links
are active:
? Broadcast storms
? Multiple frame transmission
? Inconsistent switch tables
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
6. Broadcast storm
Flood a And so on with
There¡¯s nothing to
broadcast loop
through non- stop it
source ports
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
7. Multiple Frame Transmissions
A is on port 3
Don¡¯t know B
So flood
frame to Frame
B arrives
A B And
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
8. Inconsistent switch tables
A is on port 3
? A is on port 1
A is on port 1
Don¡¯t know B A is on port 2
A is on port 2
So flood ???
frame to
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
9. Loops by mistake
? Evenif there are no deliberate loops for
redundancy, there can be loops set up by
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
10. Etherchannel ¨C the exception
? Multiple connections do not make a loop
where Etherchannel is used.
? The links are aggregated to act as one link
with the combined bandwidth.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
11. Redundancy without loops
? There needs to be just one path at a time.
? Redundant paths must be shut down, but
ready to be opened when they are needed.
? This must be done quickly and automatically.
? Spanning Tree Protocol does this.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
12. What is a spanning tree?
?A tree (extended star) topology
?A tree has no loops
?Spanning all devices
? All devices are connected
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
13. Not a spanning tree
? Not a tree - it has loops.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
14. Not a spanning tree
? Not spanning. Device left out.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
15. Spanning tree
? No loops. Includes all devices.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
16. Spanning tree protocol
? Used by switches to turn a redundant
topology into a spanning tree
? Disables unwanted links by blocking ports
? STP defined by IEEE 802.1d
? Rapid STP defined by IEEE 802.1w
? Switches run STP by default ¨C no
configuration needed.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
17. Spanning tree algorithm
The switches use this algorithm to decide which
ports should be shut down.
1. Choose one switch to be ¡°root bridge¡±
2. Choose a ¡°root port¡± on each other switch
3. Choose a ¡°designated port¡± on each
4. Close down all other ports.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
18. Outline of process
Root bridge
Designated port Designated port
Root port Root port
Root port Designated port
Designated port Not chosen
Close down
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
19. 1 Choose the root bridge
? Each switch has a bridge ID (BID) of priority
value followed by MAC address
? Switches exchange Bridge Protocol Data
Units (BPDUs) to compare bridge IDs
? The switch with the lowest bridge ID
becomes the root bridge
? Administrator can set the priority to fix the
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
20. Bridge ID
? The bridge ID consists of bridge priority,
extended system ID, and MAC address
? By default the priority is 32768
? Lowest priority wins
? Value 1 - 65536, multiples of 4096
? Extended system ID identifies VLAN.
? MAC address used if priority is the same.
Better not to rely on MAC address.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
21. Configure priority
? Set priority directly
? SW1#spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 24576
? Or indirectly
? SW1#spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary
? Sets value to 24576 or 4096 less than lowest priority
? SW1#spanning-tree vlan 1 root secondary
? Sets value to 28672. This switch should becomes
the root bridge if the primary root bridge fails.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
22. 1 Choose the root bridge
? A switch starts up. It sends out BPDU frames
containing the switch BID and the root ID every 2
? At first each switch identifies itself as the root bridge.
? If a switch receives a BPDU with a lower BID then it
identifies the switch with that BID as root bridge. It
passes on this information in its own BPDUs.
? Eventually all switches agree that the switch with the
lowest BID is the root bridge.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
23. Select root ports
? Every non-root bridge (Switch) selects a root port
? This is the port with the lowest cost path to the root
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
24. Finding the cost of a link
? Default port costs depend on the speed of the
link. Set by IEEE.
? Costs may change as faster Ethernet is
Link speed Revised cost Previous cost
10 Gbps 2 1
1 Gbps 4 1
100 Mbps 19 10
10 Mbps 100 100
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
25. Changing the cost of a link
? SW1(config)#int fa0/1
? SW1(config-if)#spanning-tree cost 25
? SW1(config-if)#end
? SW1(config)#int fa0/1
? SW1(config-if)#no spanning-tree cost
? SW1(config-if)#end
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
26. What if ports have the same cost?
? Use the port priority and port number.
? By default
F0/1 has
F0/2 has
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
27. Configure port priority
? SW2(config-if)#spanning-tree port-priority 112
? Priority values range from 0 - 240, in
increments of 16.
? The default port priority value is 128.
? Lower port priority value wins.
? Default port priority is 128.
? Losing port is shut down.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
28. Passing cost information
? Each BPDU includes the cost of the path
back to the root bridge.
? The cost is the total cost of all the links.
? As a switch receives a BPDU, it updates the
cost by adding on the cost of the port through
which the BPDU was received.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
29. Select designated ports
? On every segment, the port with the lowest cost path
to the root bridge becomes the designated port
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
30. Designated port if same cost
? Choose the port on the switch with the lower bridge
ID. Suppose this is switch B.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
31. Close down redundant links
? Any port that is not a root port or a designated port
is put in blocking state
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
32. BPDU
? The BPDU message is encapsulated in an
Ethernet frame.
? The destination MAC address is
01:80:C2:00:00:00, which is a multicast
address for the spanning-tree group.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
33. BPDU fields
2 bytes Protocol ID Admin
1 byte Version
1 byte Message type
1 byte Flags
8 bytes Root ID BID and path
4 bytes Cost of path information
8 bytes Bridge ID
2 bytes Port ID
2 bytes Message age Timers
2 bytes Max age
2 bytes Hello time
2 bytes Forward delay
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
34. Port roles
? STP makes ports:
? Root ports (forwarding)
? Designated ports (forwarding)
? Non-designated ports (shut down)
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
35. Port states in traditional STP
? Blocking ¨C receives and transmits BPDU
? Listening - receives and transmits BPDU
? Learning - receives and transmits BPDU
frames. Learns MAC addresses.
? Forwarding ¨C Fully active, forwards user data.
? Disabled ¨C Administratively shut down.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
36. States and timers
Blocking Blocking
Loss of BPDU detected When link first
Max-age = 20 sec comes up
Forward delay = 15 sec
Hello timer 2 sec for
Learning sending BPDUs.
Forward delay = 15 sec Up to 50 sec from
broken link to
Forwarding forwarding again.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
37. BPDU timers
? Timers are optimised for a 7-switch diameter
? The network has time to converge before
switches forward user data.
? Timers should not be adjusted individually.
? The diameter can be adjusted and this will
change all the timers. (Better not.)
? spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary diameter 5
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
38. Cisco PortFast
? An access port leading to a workstation or
server does not need to go through the STP
modes because it will not be closed down.
? PortFast allows the port to go directly from
blocking to forwarding.
? If a switch is connected later and the port
receives a BPDU then can go to blocking and
then through the modes.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
39. Verify spanning tree
Root bridge
This switch
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
40. Topology change notification (TCN)
? After the network converges, the root bridge sends
out BPDUs, but the other switches do not normally
send BPDUs back.
? If there is a topology change, a switch sends a
special BPDU called the topology change
notification (TCN) towards the root bridge.
? Each switch that receives the TCN sends an
acknowledgement and sends a TCN towards the
root bridge until the root bridge receives it.
? The root bridge then sends out BPDUs with the
topology change (TC) bit set.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
41. STP developments
Cisco Proprietary IEEE Standards
? Per-VLAN spanning ? Rapid spanning tree
tree protocol (PVST). protocol (RSTP) -
? Per-VLAN spanning ? Multiple STP (MSTP) -
tree protocol plus
(PVST+) - supports
IEEE 802.1Q
? Rapid per-VLAN
spanning tree protocol
(rapid PVST+)
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
42. PVST+
? Separate STP for each VLAN
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
43. PVST+
? PVST+ is the default spanning-tree
configuration for a Catalyst 2960 switch.
? The VLAN needs to be identified, so each
BID has 3 fields: priority, extended system ID
field, containing VID, MAC address.
? Original BID just had priority, MAC address
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
44. Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
? Supersedes STP but compatible with it.
? Much faster to converge.
? Same BPDU structure, puts 2 in version field.
? Sends BPDUs every 2 seconds.
? Different port roles and states.
? Does not use timers in the same way.
? 3 missed BPDUs taken to mean loss of the
link. (6 seconds)
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
45. Edge port in RSTP
?A port that will never connect to a switch.
? Immediately goes to forwarding state.
? Same idea as Cisco¡¯s PortFast.
? Configuring an edge port uses the PortFast
keyword as before.
? spanning-tree portfast
? An edge port becomes a normal spanning-
tree port if it receives a BPDU
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
46. Link types
?A link operating in full duplex between two
switches is regarded as a point-to-point link.
? A link operating in half duplex is regarded as
a shared link.
? Ports on a point-to-point link are able to move
to forwarding state quickly.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
47. Port states
Operational STP RSTP
Enabled Blocking Discarding
Enabled Listening Discarding
Enabled Learning Learning
Enabled Forwarding Forwarding
Disabled Disabled Discarding
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
48. RSTP port roles
? Root and designated ports as before.
Alternate port
takes over if
Des port fails.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
49. RSTP port roles
Backup port
Takes over if root
port fails.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
50. RSTP port roles
Forwarding Discarding
? Root port ? Backup port
? Designated port ? Alternate port
? Both are closed
down but are ready
? Edge port ¨C not to to take over at
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
51. Design considerations
? Root bridge should be a powerful switch in
the centre of the network.
? Minimise the number of ports that need to be
shut down by STP.
? Use VTP pruning.
? Use layer 3 switches in the core.
? Keep STP running even if no ports need to
be shut down.
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and
Witney College
52. The End
30 Sep 2012 S Ward Abingdon and Witney College 52