Passive voice is often used in newspapers, where the action is more important than the person performing the action. It is commonly used in headlines and throughout news articles to describe processes. Passive voice is also frequently used in reporting news, scientific writing, and other types of writing where events and processes are more important than who performed the action. The passive voice is formed with the verb "to be" and the past participle of a transitive verb, and can be used in all tenses except the present perfect continuous and future continuous.
2. Passivevoiceisoften in newspapersAs headlines.Throughthetext of newspapersTotalkaboutprocesses*Thisisbecausetheactionis more importantthanthepersonwhoisdoingtheaction.
6. Veryfrequently, in reportingnews, scientificwriting and otherkinds of writingwherewe are more interested in events and processesthan in thepersondoingtheaction.
8. Formation of thepassivevoiceIsformedwiththeverbto be and thepastparticiple of a transitiveverb.Get can sometimes be usedinformallyinstead of be.Itisusedwithall tenses exceptforthepresentperfectcontinous and thefuturecontinous.