CaN't dEsCribE MysELf..
I L0vE t0 Be C0mpLiCatEd..wAnt t0 Be uNIquE 'N' d0 thiNgx diffERnt'LLy..
m HelL (`sEnsItive`)..I GivE a daMn t0 whAt PpL thInk aNd SAy aBt mE ..C'0z f0r mE, th0sE wh0 talk aBt othERz aRe sImPLy..
(`L0zErs`)..I Ch0osE My FReNds by My OwN..VeRy Ch0OsIe 'n' Mo0dIe
sh0rt-tEmPErEd... caReLEsS...
s0 BEwArE 0f mE u CaN't GEt ME Ever.. ;)