This document provides an overview of Google and Yahoo, comparing their histories, products, and business models. It notes that while Yahoo started as a directory/portal, Google emerged as a dominant search engine using its PageRank algorithm. The document also discusses the companies' founders and key executives. It analyzes differences in their approaches to search technology and advertising, noting Google's shift to using ads alongside organic search results.
4. BC, AD
? BC : Before Christ
? AD : Anno Domini
C Abu incarnatione Domini 麼の悶F仝舞
C イエスのQ伏定は、o圷念4゛7定。
C Anno Domini 仝麼の定々
C quot;in the year of our Lord.quot;
21. Google
? Dr. Eric E. Schmidt (CEO)
C Novell, Sun Microsystems
? Larry Page
? Sergey Brin
22. Google
? Googol
C A googol is the large number 10 ,100
that is, the digit 1 followed by one
hundred zeros.
? Googolplex
C A googolplex is 1 followed by a
googol of zeroes, or ten raised to the
power of a googol:
C googolplex = 10 = 10
23. Google
? Backrub
C Back Link, Reverse Hyper Link
? PageRank
C Algorithm
C Ranking System of Hyper Link
? As a Search Engine
C Back Link List
26. Yahoo!
? Yahoo!
C Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift
C Houyhnhnm (フ`イナム), yahoo
C Little Endian (Intel), Big Endian (Motorola)
C 俔羽な繁g。ならず宀。勸濁で、gで、あかぬけし
? Yet Another Hierarchical Officious
C もうひとつのA夛の櫃旋くデ`タベ`ス
27. Yahoo!
? quot;Jerry and David's Guide to the
World Wide Webquot;
C 仝ジェリ`とデヴィッドのWWWガイド々
? Akebono, Konishiki
C 恷兜のマシンの兆念
28. Yahoo!
? YST Yahoo Search Technology
C 2002定12埖 致YahooはInktomiIА
C 2003定7埖 AltaVistaとFASTAlltheWeb
C 2004定2埖 Yahooは碧サ`ビスを
GoogleからYahoo Search Technology
(YST) に。
30. Google Japan,
Mr. Murakami said.
? Yahoo!
C 朕肝。
C 為糾。
C 弼?ありますので匯晩嶄肖てください。
? Google
C 沫哈。
C 宛坪医。
C 冥し麗がつかったら竃てって和さい。
? Google Japan 翫貧芙Lのプレゼンより哈喘
31. Essential Difference
? Yahoo!
C Directory
C Table of Contents (Portal).
? Google
C Search Engine
C Index.
? でも、これはGoogleとYahoo!の云|の
32. Truth of Difference
? Yahoo!
C 繁gがやっている畠ての碧並がC亠で崔きQ
? Google
C すべてのI尖をコンピュ`タが佩うのが尖襦
C Like a HAL 9000, Skynet or Matrix.
? 繁gが初壓するのが嗤燭倦か娠訟|議
33. HAL 9000
? HAL: Heuristically programmed
ALgorithmic computer
47. Gates going, but slowly
? Gates stepping down from full-
time Microsoft role
C Gates announced on Thursday that
he will gradually relinquish his current
role, ceding the title of chief software
architect immediately, while
remaining a full-time employee for
the next two years. In July 2008, he
will remain as a part-time employee
and chairman.