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ReQuest aCcEpt3d.!!
(i'm selfIsh impAtIent nd lIl unsEcUre) ..
i mAke mIStAkes n i M 0ut 0v c0ntr0l nd aT tImEs hArd t0 hAndLe bUt
if yEw cAnt hAndle me at mY w0rst ..
thEn abs0lutEly yEw dnt dEsErve mE at my bEst !!
+ BBY 仄 竜仄 廚旅 +
モ iTs Me parul ! モ
I live to be MODL
I can touch youR HRT
wid spark of mine
Em the BST thing that you can nevah be
One of the best thing in Me .. is To hear that