ใบงานแผนที่ 1kunnikarr1. The document discusses rules for evaluating expressions involving exponents.
2. It provides three rules for evaluating expressions when the exponent is a variable: (1) if the base is positive, the expression equals the base raised to the power of the exponent, (2) if the base is 0, the expression equals 0, and (3) if the base is negative, the expression depends on whether the exponent is even or odd.
3. Several examples are given to illustrate the rules.
แบบฝึกทักษะที่ 1kunnikarrThe document lists numerical values assigned to different items or categories. It includes the values 152 for item 1, 243 for item 2, 64 for item 3, 256 for item 4, -64 for item 5, 16 for item 6, and 100,000 for item 7. It also shows 3 mathematical calculations: 10 x 8 = 80, 3 x 3027 = 9081, and 4 x 8 x 4 = 50.
เฉลยแบบฝึกทักษะ ที่ 1kunnikarrEste documento lista 8 problemas matemáticos. Incluye ecuaciones, sumas, restas y fracciones.
ลྺยกกำลังkunnikarrThe document discusses exponents and properties of exponents. It provides examples of exponent rules such as am+n = am × an, (ab)m = am × bm, and an/am = a(n-m) if a ≠ 0. Examples are given of applying rules like (23)4 = 24 × 34. Properties of absolute value and negative exponents are also covered.
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