WordCamp Tokyo 2015のショートセッションで発表した【var dumpを使わないWordPress開発フロー】のスライドです。This is my session at WordCamp Tokyo 2015.
How to WordPress development without using var_dump().
WordPress Handson on WordCamp Kansai 2015 - Let's begin the WordPress translation!
This session is to experience the Japanese translation from English on WordPress for beginners.
The aim is to raise the translation activity for WordPress!!
Este documento é uma transcri??o da música "The Prayer" de Celine Dion e Andrea Bocelli com tradu??o para o espanhol. Contém as letras da música pedindo a Deus que nos guie e proteja, nos dê fé e esperan?a, e nos leve para um lugar seguro.
WordPress Handson on WordCamp Kansai 2015 - Let's begin the WordPress translation!
This session is to experience the Japanese translation from English on WordPress for beginners.
The aim is to raise the translation activity for WordPress!!
Este documento é uma transcri??o da música "The Prayer" de Celine Dion e Andrea Bocelli com tradu??o para o espanhol. Contém as letras da música pedindo a Deus que nos guie e proteja, nos dê fé e esperan?a, e nos leve para um lugar seguro.
The document discusses kite flying. It compares different locations for kite flying and states that it is better to run than walk at first when learning. It takes some skill but is easy to learn, and even children can enjoy it once successful. Complications are minimal but rain soaks in fast and too many people can cause problems, requiring a lot of room. A rock can serve as an anchor, but if things break loose, there is no second chance.
Este documento es la autobiografía de Cleotilde Jorge Rafael. Resume los principales eventos de su vida desde su nacimiento en 1991 en Oaxaca, México hasta el presente donde cursa el primer semestre de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales. Incluye detalles sobre su educación primaria, secundaria y preparatoria, así como sus logros deportivos y participación en grupos escolares. Concluye reconociendo que aunque ha recorrido un largo camino, todavía le queda mucho por aprender en su educación
Este documento contiene una colección de calaveras, poemas cortos tradicionales mexicanos escritos para el Día de Muertos. Las calaveras describen interacciones entre la muerte, representada por una calaca o esqueleto, y varias personas mientras la calaca las busca o se las lleva.
BCI in the U.S. & Canada carries the Schulz Speyer furniture line - here is the Kids Library Furniture Catalog with unique shelving and display furniture utilizing designs of castles, boats, airplanes and much more. www.bcieurobib.com - contact us at info@bcieurobib.com to learn more about our modern library furniture for children
Breaking Bad Habits: Transitioning to Intentional and Thoughtful Member Commu...McKinley Advisors
This document discusses improving member communications through email segmentation and more disciplined processes. It provides examples of associations sending many emails with low open and response rates. The presentation recommends thinking from the member's perspective, segmenting large lists, tracking email performance closely, and shifting to a more intentional communications philosophy. Associations are encouraged to test different subject lines, measure results, and honor member preferences to improve engagement.