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Variance Reduction International, Inc.
          Lean Six Sigma
           (909) 484-2950
Lean Six Sigma Principles

 Specify value in the eyes of the customer

 Identify value stream; eliminate waste and

 Make value flow at pull of the customer

 Involve, Align & Empower Employees

 Continuously improve knowledge in pursuit
 of perfection
Lean Sigma Process Improvement Cycle

               VOICE OF                     STRATEGIC
              CUSTOMER                        PLAN
             Gap Identified
                                             BUSINESS               UNIT      Faster
                      UCL                   OBJECTIVES           SCORECARD

                      LCL                                                    Financials

                r   ove                                                VALUE STREAM
           I mp


                                                                      PROCESS FLOW

            Tools &




           M ea                                                        X's     Y's
Deployment IPO
    Executive Ow nership

   Champion I nvolvement                       Projects Complet ed (% )
Expert/ Specialist Selection                   Cycle Time (months)
        Project Selection      Lean Sigma
                               Deployment       ROI ($MM/ year)
 Training / Mentoring

          Accountability                    Customer Satisfaction (1-5)

     Motivation / Rew ard                      Recognition (copied)
        Leadership Team
             Material Type
                                                 S          y        Yield
             Amount of A


             Design Type          Six Sigma
                                                         to In-
             CODN (Finance)                            en     Process
                                                   I nv Storag
  Results    Communication
                                              Cost        e
Driven IPO                                                      P
             Team Dynamics                               Sp s roc

 Diagram                                                   ac     es



             Cell Layout Design

             Piece Flow

                                                             De hpu




                                                          el ay

             Setup SOPs


             Maintenance SOPs

                                                      Le ity
             Cell Cleanliness



What is Lean and Six Sigma?
   Lean, pioneered by Toyota,           Six Sigma, developed by
    focuses on the efficient              Motorola, made famous by GE,
    operation of the entire value         it can be defined as a:
    chain.                                   Measure of process
    Focus areas:                              capability
      Remove non-value added                Set of tools
       steps to:                             Disciplined methodology
          Reduce cycle time                 Vision for quality
          Improve quality                   Philosophy
      Align production with                 Strategy
      Reduce inventory.
      Improve process safety and

    Lean Sigma is a combination of two powerful and proven process
       improvement methods Lean and Six Sigma, that builds on
    existing organization capability in quality, statistics, and project
Lean Sigma: A Set of Tools
                                                                                                        Measurement System Analysis
                                                                                                                   Glass Inspection Test
                                                                                             Operator 1                 Operator 2                  Operator 3
                                                                               Item        Test 1       Test 2       Test 1       Test 2                  Test 2
                                                                                                                                                 Test 1

                                                   Use control charts to
                                                    Use control charts to          1

                                                   understand & identify
                                                    understand & identify
                                                   common & special
                                                    common & special               4
    Map the process to
     Map the process to                            causes
                                                    causes                         5
    determine where
     determine where                                                               6

    defects are being
     defects are being
                                                                                               Verify assessment/
                                                                                                Verify assessment/
     created                                                                       9           measurement systems
                                                                                                measurement systems

        Score                                                          Run     A       B       AB          y         y        y           ...       y     s
Category           5         4        3        2        1                                                      1         2        3
                                                                        1      -       -        +
 Severity       Severe      High   Moderate   Minor   Negligible
 (SEV)                                                                  2      -       +            -

 Occurrence     Very High   High   Moderate   Low     Very Low          3      +       -            -
                                                                        4      +       +        +

        Document failure modes
         Document failure modes                                              Designed experiments to
                                                                              Designed experiments to
 Escapedfor products andModerate Low Very Low
         for products andprocesses
             Very High High
                                                                             make process robust 2to A  B
                                                                               y = y +    A A +    B B +   AB
 (DET) to identify defects' root cause
                                                                              make process robust to
                                                                                        2        2

         to identify defects' root cause                                     variation
                                                                                               隆                  隆              隆
                                                                               s = s +
                                                                                   俗              A A +              B B +            AB A  B
                                                                                                 2                  2                 2
How is Lean Sigma different and similar to
past quality and statistical efforts?

 Sponsored and directed by      Uses many tools already
  leadership                      familiar to many people 
 Aligned with business           fishbone, process flow,
  objectives and tactics          SPC, brainstorming
 Focused on delivering          Aligned with quality efforts
  business results
                                 Uses a logical problem
 Track record for delivering
                                  solving approach that will
  business results
 Disciplined and systematic
                                  not be new to some
  execution process              Aligned with past quality
 Brings in new tools to most     and reliability efforts 
  companies  DOE,                TQM, Baldrige, Deming
  hypothesis testing, FMEA,
  Kanbans, PokaYoke
Focus Area of Lean and Six Sigma

 Reduction of the 7 hidden wastes or
  non-value added activities to reduce cycle
Six Sigma:
 Reduction of variability to improve
  Both Lean and Six Sigma Tie
  Improvements to $$$
Overlap of Lean and Six Sigma Tools

Cycle Time Reduction Variance Reduction
 JIT      Physical  PF
          Time      Scorecard     Testing
                    SOP           Correlations
                    Mistake       Hypothesis
 Single Piece
                     Proofing      DOE
 Flow       5Ss     $$$
            Visual            FMEA
 Lean       Controls          MSA
                                        Six Sigma
Combining Lean and Six Sigma
                        Maximizes the Potential Benefits
                                         Six Sigma  Improve Quality
                      Overall Yield as a Function of Sigma Level & Process Steps
                                                             Sigma Level
Lean  Remove Steps

                       No. of Parts or
                       Process Steps       +/- 3         +/- 4      +/- 5       +/- 6
                                   1       93.32%       99.379%     99.9767%   99.99966%
                                   5        70.8%        96.9%      99.884%    99.998%
                                  10        50.1%        94.0%      99.767%    99.997%
                                  50        3.2%         73.2%      98.84%     99.983%
                                 100        0.1%         53.6%      97.70%     99.966%
                                 500        0.0%             4.4%    89.0%      99.8%
                               1,000                         0.2%    79.2%      99.7%
                               5,000                         0.0%    31.2%      98.3%
                              10,000                            t    9.7%       96.7%
                              50,000                     m           0.0%       84.4%
                             100,000                pr                          71.2%
                             500,000          e   Im                            18.3%
                           1,000,000      Driv                                   3.3%
Sigma Capability
         The number of Sigmas between the center of a process and the nearest
                                   specification limit
                                                               3  Process Centered
                                3  Process                     We make more than
                     Lower                         Upper         customer needs because
                  Specification                 Specification    some of what we make
                      Limit                         Limit        is waste
                                                                Process is WIDER than
                                                                 the specifications
         Determined by                                                     Determined by
         the customer                                                      the customer

          -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1      0    +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

                                        6  Process
3  Process has 66,807                                                                6  Process Centered
 dpm vs 3.4 from a 6                                                                  We make as much as
      process                                                                           the customer needs
                                                                                        and have very little
                                                                                       Process FITS within
                                                                                        the specifications
                            -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6
The First Step is Process Knowledge

                Long Term Success
            Return on Investment

         Process Improvement
The 1st Step is Process Knowledge
80 Percent of the Gain with
        20 Percent of the Complexity

  Most of the 80%
improvement is
 possible with Improvement
   the basic
  quality and
statistical tools.
                             Tool Complexity
Sustained Improvements without
             Capital Dollars
Sustainable Results
Process improvements from Lean Sigma Projects
 are sustained.
Typically, results are audited at 4 and 12 months
after implementing changes.

Not Capital Driven
Lean Sigma projects are NOT Capital driven.
Most improvements are made by changes in the
Lean Six Sigma Roadmap
               DMAIC Strategy
    Identify and Prioritize Opportunities
    Select Your Project
    Define the Goals and Objectives
    Form Cross functional Team
    Understand Customer Requirements
    Define and Analyze the Current Process
    Assess the Capability of the Measurement
    Assess the Current Capability of the Process
    Variance Reduction
    Identify the Key Input Variables
    Discover the Relationship between the Inputs and
    Identify the Root Causes of the Problems
    Identify and Test the Proposed Solutions
    Re-assess Capability
    Implement Solution
    Document Results and Return on Investment
    Take Actions to Hold the Gains
    Celebrate and Communicate
Variance Reduction International, Inc.
                  President, Sally Ulman

Mary Ann Sally Ulman teaches and consults on the subject of applications of statistical methods. She is an experienced facilitator in the
areas of team building, problem solving, metric development, and implementation of process improvement strategies. Ms. Ulman left
Chevron, USA after sixteen years where she worked as a Quality Facilitator, Corrosion Engineer, and Industrial Water Treatment
Technologist throughout Central California and Sumatra, Indonesia. She has taught and consulted for Chevron, Caltex Pacific Indonesia,
GlaxoWellcome in Pakistan, GlaxoSmithKline in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, London, Jakarta and India, Texaco, Baker Petrolite, Aera
Energy, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Farwest Corrosion, Mazda USA, Teac America, American Business Communications,
 California Training Cooperative, Auto Meter, PLCs Plus, United Way Agencies and various public seminars. Her extensive consulting
background involves industrial and service applications of DOE, SPC, LeanSigma, reliability, management and team building techniques.
She received her B.A. in Physical Education from California State University, Northridge. She attained Six Sigma Black Belt certification
from University of Texas and Master Black Belt certification from Air Academy Associates. In addition she also holds a California Junior
College Teaching Credential, Corrosion Technologist and Coating Inspection Certification from the National Association of Corrosion
Engineers. She is now President of Variance Reduction International Inc. and works as an instructor and consultant for Air Academy
Associates and is the Six Sigma instructor at San Diego State University.

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Lean sixsigmaasq0604

  • 1. Variance Reduction International, Inc. Lean Six Sigma VarianceReduction.com (909) 484-2950
  • 2. Lean Six Sigma Principles Specify value in the eyes of the customer Identify value stream; eliminate waste and variation Make value flow at pull of the customer Involve, Align & Empower Employees Continuously improve knowledge in pursuit of perfection
  • 3. Lean Sigma Process Improvement Cycle VOICE OF STRATEGIC CUSTOMER PLAN Better Gap Identified BUSINESS BUSINESS UNIT Faster UCL OBJECTIVES SCORECARD Avg LCL Financials BUSINESS MEASURES r ove VALUE STREAM I mp Co nt ro SCORECARD l PROCESS FLOW PROCESS Tools & Analyze Methodology e UCL fin PROCESS De Avg MEASURES LCL M ea X's Y's sure
  • 4. Deployment IPO Executive Ow nership Champion I nvolvement Projects Complet ed (% ) PROCESS Expert/ Specialist Selection Cycle Time (months) Project Selection Lean Sigma Deployment ROI ($MM/ year) Training / Mentoring Accountability Customer Satisfaction (1-5) Motivation / Rew ard Recognition (copied) Leadership Team
  • 5. Supplier Better Material Type S y Yield Amount of A Temperature Design Type Six Sigma SOPs ry to In- CODN (Finance) en Process I nv Storag Results Communication Cost e Driven IPO P Team Dynamics Sp s roc Pr Diagram ac es od e uc Turnover t Rate Cell Layout Design Piece Flow t De hpu l) Lean ia Manpower er ug el ay at ro l (M Th Setup SOPs r Time bo av La Tr Maintenance SOPs Pr Se Ca Le ity Cell Cleanliness oc tup pa ad es c s
  • 6. What is Lean and Six Sigma? Lean, pioneered by Toyota, Six Sigma, developed by focuses on the efficient Motorola, made famous by GE, operation of the entire value it can be defined as a: chain. Measure of process Focus areas: capability Remove non-value added Set of tools steps to: Disciplined methodology Reduce cycle time Vision for quality Improve quality Philosophy Align production with Strategy demand. Reduce inventory. Improve process safety and efficiency. Lean Sigma is a combination of two powerful and proven process improvement methods Lean and Six Sigma, that builds on existing organization capability in quality, statistics, and project execution.
  • 7. Lean Sigma: A Set of Tools Measurement System Analysis Glass Inspection Test Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Item Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2 Test 2 Test 1 Use control charts to Use control charts to 1 understand & identify understand & identify 2 3 common & special common & special 4 Map the process to Map the process to causes causes 5 determine where determine where 6 defects are being defects are being 7 Verify assessment/ created 8 Verify assessment/ created 9 measurement systems measurement systems 1 0 RISK PRIORITY NUMBER (RPN) = SEVERITY X 0CCURRENCEX ESCAPED DETECTION Score Run A B AB y y y ... y s Category 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 - - + Severity Severe High Moderate Minor Negligible (SEV) 2 - + - Occurrence Very High High Moderate Low Very Low 3 + - - (OCC) 4 + + + Document failure modes Document failure modes Designed experiments to Designed experiments to Escapedfor products andModerate Low Very Low for products andprocesses Very High High processes make process robust 2to A B y = y + A A + B B + AB Detection (DET) to identify defects' root cause make process robust to 2 2 to identify defects' root cause variation variation 隆 隆 隆 s = s + 俗 A A + B B + AB A B 2 2 2
  • 8. How is Lean Sigma different and similar to past quality and statistical efforts? Sponsored and directed by Uses many tools already leadership familiar to many people Aligned with business fishbone, process flow, objectives and tactics SPC, brainstorming Focused on delivering Aligned with quality efforts business results Uses a logical problem Track record for delivering solving approach that will business results Disciplined and systematic not be new to some execution process Aligned with past quality Brings in new tools to most and reliability efforts companies DOE, TQM, Baldrige, Deming hypothesis testing, FMEA, Kanbans, PokaYoke
  • 9. Focus Area of Lean and Six Sigma Lean: Reduction of the 7 hidden wastes or non-value added activities to reduce cycle time. Six Sigma: Reduction of variability to improve quality. Both Lean and Six Sigma Tie Improvements to $$$
  • 10. Overlap of Lean and Six Sigma Tools Cycle Time Reduction Variance Reduction Mapping IPO Logical CE JIT Physical PF CNX Time Scorecard Testing Quick SOP Correlations Changeovers Mistake Hypothesis Single Piece Proofing DOE Flow 5Ss $$$ Visual FMEA Lean Controls MSA Six Sigma
  • 11. Combining Lean and Six Sigma Maximizes the Potential Benefits Six Sigma Improve Quality Overall Yield as a Function of Sigma Level & Process Steps Sigma Level Lean Remove Steps No. of Parts or Process Steps +/- 3 +/- 4 +/- 5 +/- 6 1 93.32% 99.379% 99.9767% 99.99966% 5 70.8% 96.9% 99.884% 99.998% 10 50.1% 94.0% 99.767% 99.997% 50 3.2% 73.2% 98.84% 99.983% 100 0.1% 53.6% 97.70% 99.966% 500 0.0% 4.4% 89.0% 99.8% 1,000 0.2% 79.2% 99.7% 5,000 0.0% 31.2% 98.3% 10,000 t 9.7% 96.7% en 50,000 m 0.0% 84.4% ove 100,000 pr 71.2% 500,000 e Im 18.3% 1,000,000 Driv 3.3%
  • 12. Sigma Capability The number of Sigmas between the center of a process and the nearest specification limit 3 Process Centered 3 Process We make more than Lower Upper customer needs because Specification Specification some of what we make Limit Limit is waste Process is WIDER than the specifications Determined by Determined by the customer the customer WASTE -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 6 Process 3 Process has 66,807 6 Process Centered dpm vs 3.4 from a 6 We make as much as process the customer needs and have very little waste Process FITS within the specifications -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6
  • 13. The First Step is Process Knowledge Long Term Success Return on Investment Process Improvement The 1st Step is Process Knowledge
  • 14. 80 Percent of the Gain with 20 Percent of the Complexity Most of the 80% improvement is possible with Improvement the basic quality and statistical tools. 20% Tool Complexity
  • 15. Sustained Improvements without Capital Dollars Sustainable Results Process improvements from Lean Sigma Projects are sustained. Typically, results are audited at 4 and 12 months after implementing changes. Not Capital Driven Lean Sigma projects are NOT Capital driven. Most improvements are made by changes in the SOP.
  • 16. Lean Six Sigma Roadmap DMAIC Strategy Define Identify and Prioritize Opportunities Select Your Project Define the Goals and Objectives Form Cross functional Team Understand Customer Requirements Measure Define and Analyze the Current Process Assess the Capability of the Measurement Process Assess the Current Capability of the Process Variance Reduction
  • 17. DMAIC Cont. Analyze Identify the Key Input Variables Discover the Relationship between the Inputs and Outputs Identify the Root Causes of the Problems Improve Identify and Test the Proposed Solutions Re-assess Capability Implement Solution Control Document Results and Return on Investment Take Actions to Hold the Gains Celebrate and Communicate
  • 18. Variance Reduction International, Inc. President, Sally Ulman Mary Ann Sally Ulman teaches and consults on the subject of applications of statistical methods. She is an experienced facilitator in the areas of team building, problem solving, metric development, and implementation of process improvement strategies. Ms. Ulman left Chevron, USA after sixteen years where she worked as a Quality Facilitator, Corrosion Engineer, and Industrial Water Treatment Technologist throughout Central California and Sumatra, Indonesia. She has taught and consulted for Chevron, Caltex Pacific Indonesia, GlaxoWellcome in Pakistan, GlaxoSmithKline in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, London, Jakarta and India, Texaco, Baker Petrolite, Aera Energy, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Farwest Corrosion, Mazda USA, Teac America, American Business Communications, California Training Cooperative, Auto Meter, PLCs Plus, United Way Agencies and various public seminars. Her extensive consulting background involves industrial and service applications of DOE, SPC, LeanSigma, reliability, management and team building techniques. She received her B.A. in Physical Education from California State University, Northridge. She attained Six Sigma Black Belt certification from University of Texas and Master Black Belt certification from Air Academy Associates. In addition she also holds a California Junior College Teaching Credential, Corrosion Technologist and Coating Inspection Certification from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers. She is now President of Variance Reduction International Inc. and works as an instructor and consultant for Air Academy Associates and is the Six Sigma instructor at San Diego State University.

Editor's Notes

  • #10: Lean has traditionally focused on cycle time reduction, inventory reduction, reduction of floor space, by the elimination of the 7 hidden wastes. Six Sigma has traditionally focuses on variance reduction (the elimination of noise factors) to improve quality. The goal of both is to produce a financial benefit.
  • #11: This graphic summarizes the tools have been traditionally used for Cycle Time Reduction (Lean) and for Variance Reduction / Quality Improvement (Six Sigma) and which ones are common to both.
  • #12: The point of this table is to illustrate that a process can be improved by reducing steps (Lean) and-or increasing quality (Six Sigma) of each step. For example, a 10 step process with a 3 sigma quality level will only produce products with a 50% yield (the probability that a good part will be produced each time a new one is started through the process). The combination of Lean and Six Sigma provides the best possible result. It is suggested that steps be eliminated before efforts are made to improve quality of each step.
  • #14: The first step in process improvement is to gain process knowledge. Without this step we can stumble. True understanding of our processes is a competitive advantage.
  • #15: Major process improvement can be made with the basic quality and statistical tools. Only after the process is operating at high performance do we need to employ more sophisticated knowledge gaining tools.
  • #16: The look backs performed at 12-months have repeatedly demonstrated that improvements are sustained. The improvements are typically made by changes in procedures. The only money spent on Lean Sigma projects is typically for collecting data. The investment is the time the team takes to understand the process, collect and analyze the data, and implement the changes.