The 6-week training program provides minorities and women business owners instruction on strategic planning, finances, marketing, human resources, and government contracting. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 9am to 12pm and include a continental breakfast and materials. To qualify, applicants must own 51% of a minority or woman-owned business. The $50 fee is due on the first day and attendance of all sessions is required to receive a certificate of completion.
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Lexington Minority and Women Business Training Program Brochure
1. To qualify for the training program you must be
a minority or women owned business with 51%
ownership in a business. Submission of applica-
tion is no guarantee of admission in the training
program. All accepted applicants will be notified
prior to the start of the workshop.
This training program is designed to help minori-
ties and women effectively compete in business.
Class participants will receive reference materi-
als, professional instruction and a continental
breakfast at each session.
Training sessions are held from 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. one day a week for 6 weeks
Sessions are instructed by respected
Continental breakfast will be provided
each morning
Industry reference materials provided
Access to one-on-one SBDC business
Certificate of Completion (awarded through
the University of Kentuckys Small Business De-
velopment Center) will be given to all attendees
successfully completing the program. Certificate
will be awarded at a graduation luncheon.
The Program:
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the
U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclu-
sions or recommendations expressed are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the SBA.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities
will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.
Contact your local SBDC to make accommodations.
Le x i n g to n
Minority & Women
Business Training Program
Sponsored By:
2. The Agenda:
The program is designed to help minorities and
women to successfully compete in todays
business environment.
1) Defining Your Strategic Direction
a. Clarifying your vision
b. Identifying the characteristics of your
c. Conducting a PEST and SWOT Analysis
d. Setting goals and tracking performance
2) Managing Your Finances-Part 1
a. Accounting Basics
b. Value of a good credit report
c. Reading and understanding financial
3) Managing Your Finances-Part 2
a. Understanding your breakeven point
b. Pricing your products and services
c. Developing a budget
d. Preparing for growth
4) Marketing Your Business
a. Research
b. Understanding your industry
c. Knowing your competition
d. 5 Ps of Marketing
5) Human Resources
a. Hiring (contractors versus employees)
b. Managing employees
c. Firing employees
d. Fed, state and local tax requirements
6) Government Contracting
a. Certification (Federal, State, City)
b. Government vendor databases
(Federal, State, & City)
c. Where & how to find bids
(Federal, State, City)
Fifth Third Bank
900 Beasley Street
2nd Floor
Lexington, KY 40509
Classes Begin:
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
9:00 a.m. til 12:00 p.m.
Application Deadline:
September 11, 2013
Cost: $50.00 (Payable September 25, 2013;
contingent upon program acceptance)
To qualify for the training program you
must be a minority or woman owned busi-
ness with a 51% ownership in a business.
Submission of application is no guarantee
of admission in the training program. All
accepted applicants will be notified prior to
the start of the workshop.
Training Location
& Date
More Information
Marilyn Clark
Business Enterprise Liaison
LFUCG Division of Central Purchasing
200 East Main Street, Room 341
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 258-3323
Dee Dee Harbut
Director for Special Programs
Kentucky Small Business
Development Center
One Quality Street, Suite 635
Lexington, KY 40507 | (859) 257-7668
For an application or
information contact: