Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Malita, Davao Del Sur, Philippines
HR Staff
♥i Lav my Life && the ones in it♥
I'm just an ordinary girL who doesn't care about my 'madness'. The type of girL who wiLL burst out Laughing in dead siLence.
The one who Lets anything sLip out in thE way of casuaL gossip, but not the kind who sits down && deLiberateLy write a circumstantiaL account of anything.
I reaLLy don't want peopLe whose 'job' was to know every detaiL of me && uses those detaiLs against my name. Or eLse make a dupLication on whatever that is mine -- "gaya-gaya puto maya" for short.
I am who I am. I do whatever I want. && if others don't Like it, I just simpLy don't care. So what the heLL !!
I reaLLy am 'petite' :)
I don't have a habit of eating w
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