As a contemporary art project unfolding narratives considers both the visible and the hidden narratives of Dundrum as a place.
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Dundrum Open 2011 Unfolding Narratives Exhibition Leaflet
1. 4th – 22nd Nov 2011
Dundrum, Co. Dublin
Where and When
Dundrum Open Submission Esther Breslin | Fiona Hallinan
Exhibition opens to the public David Lunney | Laura Macauley
from Friday 4th to Tuesday 22nd Conor McGarrigle | Eoin O’Connor
November 2011 inclusive. BláithÃn Quinn | Deirdre Morrissey
+ Catherine Ryan
County Council Offices Dundrum Office Park, Main Street
Monday – Friday: 9.30am – 12.30pm Curated by
1.30pm – 4.30pm Annette Moloney + Maeve Mulrennan
Saturday: 1.00pm – 5.00pm
Dundrum Library Upper Churchtown Road
unfold ng
Monday / Friday / Saturday: 10.00am – 1.00pm
2.00pm – 5.00pm
Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday: 10.00am – 8.00pm
Mill Theatre Dundrum Town Centre
Monday – Saturday: 10.00am – 5.30pm
Rosemount Family Resource Centre 3 Waldemar Terrace, Main Street
narrat ves
Dundrum Open Submission Exhibition 2011
Fiona Hallinan’s audio piece will be available to hear outside this location
Monday – Saturday: 10.00am – 8.00pm
Accompanying documentation may be viewed
Monday – Thursday: 9.30am – 5.30pm Exhibition Venues
Friday: 9.30am – 1pm
County Council Offices
Dundrum Library
Access Public Events and Key Dates Mill Theatre
Admission to the Exhibition and all A number of free tours and events are
Rosemount Family Resource Centre
accompanying events is free. planned as part of the exhibition. For
full details please visit www.dlrcoco.
Dundrum County Council Offices and ie/arts
The Mill Theatre are fully accessible to
those who are mobility impaired. Find out more
Further information TEL: (01) 271 9529
There is access to the adult library EMAiL:
downstairs in Dundrum Library. WEB: R.C.D.G.
2. Introduction Curators’ Introduction Venue Locations
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County As a contemporary art project
Council is delighted to present the unfolding narratives considers both the
Dundrum Open Submission Exhibition visible and the hidden narratives of
2011. This is the first exhibition that Dundrum as a place. The title refers
has been programmed in a variety of to an ever-changing social context, for
spaces around Dundrum town and we Dundrum and beyond.
are pleased to see such a broad range in working with the dlr Arts Office
of artistic practice represented. and with nine artists we are inviting
The County Council is committed the public to explore Dundrum’s vision
to encouraging opportunities for of and for itself. in many ways our
artists from the County to create perceptions of place may be rooted to
and showcase work. The work of a particular space and time; however
nine artists is represented in this time moves on and alters this view. As
exhibition; three through direct citizens we are constantly shifting and
commissions and six by way of open adjusting to different contexts, be they
submission selection. The County personal, social, historical, political
Council is delighted to have worked and environmental.
with curators Annette Moloney and Working across a number of
Maeve Mulrennan on this exhibition; diverse locations in Dundrum the
they have brought significant exhibition includes new art projects
expertise to this. by artists who are living in, working
There will be a number of free in or originally from Dún Laoghaire-
tours and talks to complement the Rathdown, including artists from
exhibition and i hope that you will Dundrum itself.
avail of these opportunities. As a common thread all the works
i would like to congratulate both consider ideas of identity, belonging
the curators and the artists on the and change and each artist’s practice
interesting and impressive work we is a unique and engaging investigation
see in the various venues. The artists into contemporary life in Dundrum and
have all responded in individual and its wider context.
unique ways to the context of Dundrum As curators we would like to
and it’s environment and we hope that acknowledge the myriad of people
you enjoy this exhibition of work by who have collaborated with us on
artists from the County. the development of unfolding
narratives. in particular a note of
An Cathaoirleach appreciation to the artists for their
Councillor John Bailey openness in exploring the creative 1. Dundrum Library 3. County Council Offices
October 2011 possibilities of the project, along with Upper Churchtown Road Dundrum Office Park, Main Street
the usual logistics, and to the many
citizens of Dundrum who contributed 2. Rosemount Family Resource Centre 4. Mill Theatre
to their research. 3 Waldemar Terrace, Main Street Dundrum Town Centre
3. Artists Open Submission Projects
Esther Breslin Vestiges of a Village Deirdre Morrissey + Catherine Ryan Eoin O’Connor Uniformed Plane
The Mill Theatre, Dundrum Town Centre Closing Time – Indoor Picnic Event The Mill Theatre,
The Mill Theatre, Dundrum Town Centre Dundrum Town Centre
At a time when Dundrum is known
mostly for its modern commercial Saturday 19th Nov 2011 Eoin’s paintings, in this series, explore
facilities Esther is uncovering the 2 – 4pm & All are Welcome the notion of Dundrum as a navigation
narrative of a previous time, when point and as an emerging hub in the
Dundrum had village status. The artists invite the public to join suburbs of Dublin.
them for an informal discussion on the
Through her etchings she aims to Dundrum Open Submission Exhibition. Focussing on the structures and
reveal and preserve some original architecture devised to help people
architectural features which thus far The event will take the shape of move from place to place, the works
remain and which give Dundrum its an Afternoon Tea with cakes and aim to highlight the new directions
individual character. David Lunney 53.264158, -6.256239 sandwiches sourced locally. and convergences that Dundrum
The Mill Theatre, Dundrum Town Centre has now developed.
and the south Dublin hills Catherine and Deirdre will act as
facilitators for this event encouraging
David’s work attempts to use conversation between the public, the
physical objects in conjunction with artists and the curators.
the internet as a means of exploring
the physical landscape. This event is designed as an
alternative to the usual artist-curators
The construction of sculptures in the talk and aims to invite key people from
hills surrounding Dún Laoghaire– Dundrum who have informed the artists’
Rathdown serves as a stimulus for research along with fellow practitioners
imagery and artworks directly whose work presents cultural and
inspired by them. historical connections to the unfolding
Laura Macauley As It Was Then
narratives project.
The Mill Theatre,
Dundrum Town Centre
Laura has taken J. Nolan’s publication
The Changing Face of Dundrum (1981)
as a starting point for a series of
screenprints, which explore popular
childhood games from a by-gone era.
The prints invite the public to step back
into the life and the imagination of a
typical Dundrum child growing up in
1930’s Southside Dublin.
4. Artists Commissions About the Curators
Fiona Hallinan Getting Purchase Conor McGarrigle Walking Stories BláithÃn Quinn / Transcolonia Annette Moloney is a curator and
Rosemount Family Resource Centre Dundrum Library ByPass collaborator based in Limerick. Her
& Environs of Dundrum Dundrum County Council Offices curatorial practice includes exhibitions,
Looking specifically at Dundrum, critical writing, talks, artist’s
Getting Purchase explores the idea of Walking Stories is a Soundwalk through Through ByPass BláithÃn exposes professional development projects and
attachment to place. Dundrum town guided by a free some of the forgotten, overlooked and public art commissions.
location-aware smartphone app. abandoned spaces in Dundrum.
How is Dundrum ‘branded’ to locals She is interested in how social change
and to outsiders? Walking Stories asks what it is that This site-specific artwork highlights is reflected in contemporary arts
connects us to the spaces in which we the excess of vacant, yet inaccessible practice, while also remaining aware of
What makes Dundrum unique to you? live and work and invites us to share in commercial space on the Main Street. the role of audience and public(s). She
the personal memories that create a remains curious about the development
The project was developed by the artist place. ByPass is revealed in the Dundrum of alternative art spaces and how
with attendees at the Rosemount Family County Council Offices. contemporary art engages with slack
Resource Centre in Dundrum town. Starting at Dundrum Library the spaces within society.
soundwalk unfolds in Dundrum town, The room used to display the work is
An audio piece is projected from leading participants on a narrative trail often used for public consultations on More than anything she tries to retain
a window in the town with an recounting the personal stories which future plans for Dundrum. an artist centred and idea centred
accompanying installation documenting connect people to specific locations. approach to her work.
the artist’s meeting process with the Walking Stories reveals a virtual Perhaps this work will be a starting
participants in the Rosemount Centre. world of memories, associations and point for a new local narrative about the
connections that underpin a community. potential re-use of these urban voids for Maeve Mulrennan is the Visual Arts
the community, the arts and for culture? Officer in Galway Arts Centre. She
A printed map will also be available also lectures in Visual Arts Policy in
from the library with the walk locations. Huston School of Film & Digital Media,
NUi Galway. She is a founding member
of Live @ 8 and Chairperson of Tulca
Festival of Visual Art in Galway.
Maeve graduated from Limerick School
of Art and Design (LSAD) with a Degree
in Fine Art Painting.
She has received a H.Dip in Arts
Administration from NUi Galway and an
MA in Visual Arts Practices from iADT.
All images courtesy of the artists