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Blake Ives’ Customer Service
      Life Cycle Model
           Team 18:
Who is Blake Ives?

C.T. Bauer Chair in Business Leadership
Has directed U of H Information Systems Research
Center until 2008
Research papers have been published in many
prestigious venues
1 of 8 faculty members to be listed in Thomson ISI list
of Highly Cited Scholars
Well decorated professional in the Information
Systems world
How does Ives explain CSLC

CSLC provides a structured perspective on the
process of making:
  A purchasing decision
  Acquiring the product
  Owning the product
  Retiring or disposing of a product/service

Most integrate this model with an E-commerce
The aim is to have a more automated system or
interacting with the customer
The model is designed to fit specific needs an
organization has
Thought process behind CSLC
In-depth look

CLSC is a thirteen phase process covering the
customer’s activities
Sub-phases should be looked at through the
customer’s eyes and the whole process expedited
through the effective design of an E-commerce
Quick Look at the Processes

Requirements                                         Ownership
     Establish requirements                             Integrate
          Establish a need for the product
                                                                Add to an existing inventory
          Determine product attributes
Acquisition                                                     Control access and use of the product
     Select source                                      Upgrade
          Determine where to obtain the product                 Upgrade the product if conditions change
     Order                                              Maintain
          Order the product from a supplier
                                                                Repair the product as necessary
     Authorize and pay for
          Transfer funds or obtain credit            Retirement
     Acquire                                            Transfer or dispose
          Take possession of the product                        Move, return, or dispose of product
     Test and accept
                                                        Account for
          Ensure that product meets specifications
                                                                Monitor product related expenses
Free discussion

What is your opinion?
Is CSLC effective?
Why do you think some organizations fail to properly
Overall, do you think it is effective?


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Blake ives’ customer service life cycle model

  • 1. Blake Ives’ Customer Service Life Cycle Model Team 18: Zohaib Clay Laurence
  • 2. Who is Blake Ives? C.T. Bauer Chair in Business Leadership Has directed U of H Information Systems Research Center until 2008 Research papers have been published in many prestigious venues 1 of 8 faculty members to be listed in Thomson ISI list of Highly Cited Scholars Well decorated professional in the Information Systems world
  • 3. How does Ives explain CSLC CSLC provides a structured perspective on the process of making: A purchasing decision Acquiring the product Owning the product Retiring or disposing of a product/service
  • 4. Implementation Most integrate this model with an E-commerce framework The aim is to have a more automated system or interacting with the customer The model is designed to fit specific needs an organization has
  • 6. In-depth look CLSC is a thirteen phase process covering the customer’s activities Sub-phases should be looked at through the customer’s eyes and the whole process expedited through the effective design of an E-commerce process
  • 7. Quick Look at the Processes Requirements Ownership Establish requirements Integrate Establish a need for the product Add to an existing inventory Specify Determine product attributes Monitor Acquisition Control access and use of the product Select source Upgrade Determine where to obtain the product Upgrade the product if conditions change Order Maintain Order the product from a supplier Repair the product as necessary Authorize and pay for Transfer funds or obtain credit Retirement Acquire Transfer or dispose Take possession of the product Move, return, or dispose of product Test and accept Account for Ensure that product meets specifications Monitor product related expenses
  • 8. Free discussion What is your opinion? Is CSLC effective? Why do you think some organizations fail to properly implement? Overall, do you think it is effective?