This document summarizes a training session on using the features and capabilities of LibGuides. The session covered the basics of using LibGuides, including the WYSIWYG editor, embedding content using HTML, and analyzing usage statistics. It also discussed how libraries can leverage Web 2.0 technologies on LibGuides, such as embedding videos, presentations, and forms. The session concluded with demonstrations of how to create widgets and APIs to share LibGuides content outside the platform.
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Harnessing the power of libguides part 2
1. The Power of LibGuides
Michael Johnson, MLS
Circulation Librarian, Shawnee State University
October 16th, 2012
2. What we will cover in the
next hour
Quick review of the previous class
The power of the WYSIWYG
What is Web 2.0 (3.0?)
Why is Web 2.0 important?
Different applications of Web 2.0
Embedded content
Dangers of embedding
Lets embed!
3. Review
LibGuides is a content management system
Easy to share or aggregate information
Can set up permissions
Choices to made before you start
Color, language, formatting etc
Best practices aka Think of the User
Use the system to save time
Users want less not more
Run a user analysis
4. Review
Main page options
Creating a research guide
Moving content on a page and to another page
Different types of content
5. Rich text box: WYSIWYG
Stands for What you see is what you get
Allows for a graphical system to interact with
Like Microsoft word for a website
Interacting in a way that your used to
Short learning time, almost natural
Not versatile
Can fight you
9. What is Web 2.0: Content
Web 1.0 content
One way path, producer to creator
Simple commerce based on commodities
Dynamic Content
Changes with your actions
Examples: Google Docs, Google Earth
User Generated Content
Social networking, media sharing, wikis
Examples: Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia
WARNING: Not part of user analysis
10. What is Web 2.0: LibGuides
Not very effective
Doesnt give good Statistics
Attracts trolls
Rate Sources
Too open
Research shows that people dont tend to rate or
tag library sources like Flicker or YouTube
Feedback works fine instead of rating
11. What is Web 2.0: Going
towards Web 3.0
No exact definition just elements
Semantic Web
Everything integrated
Augmented Reality
QR codes
12. Why is Web 2.0 important?
First generation
Depended on something direct
Second Generation
Allowed for the people to partake
Allows extension
Even beyond the original intentions of the creator
14. Embedded Content
What is Embedding
Creating a window of another website in your own
Must be done in HTML editor
Avoid Special Embeds
15. Things to consider when
embedding: Rights and use
I am not a lawyer and not giving legal advice
Libraries are starting to get sued
Creative Commons
Always check the licensing agreement
Ask for permission
Give credit
Fair Use
Under attack
16. Things to consider when
embedding: Dependencies
Dependent on another system to work
Which might be dependent on several other systems
Services and content are constantly changing
Code Changes
Free version becomes more restricted
Only embed relevant content
20. Getting statistics
We live in a quantitative world
LibGuide Statistics can be another statistic that
can show library usage
A new system has been put in place
Not everyone will have access to all the statistics
Depends on user permissions
29. Widgets and API
Take LibGuide content out of LibGuides and
embed them somewhere else
Library homepage
Course management page
Internal page
Database search page (like Ebsco)
Can be put anywhere JavaScript in allowed