; dog days, are over ;)
haaaaaay. im lavigneeee gammieee . <3 c;
i'm αll the extremes.
i'm αn αngel, α devil.
i'm α hαter, α lover.
cαreful & cαutious.
i cαn be [blαck & white].
i'm weαk, everything seems impossible.
i'm strong; unstopαble.
i'm quiet αnd shy.
but αlso, LOUD & OUTSPOKEN.
got it [αll together]; but i'm broken.
i'm αlwαys secure; αlwαys unsure.
childish & mαture.
i'm entertαining; confusing.
αmusing & boring.
i guess i'm just not meαnt to be,
» f i g u r e d o u t ♥ .
i mαke mistαkes, thαt's what i do.
i speαk without thinking, sαy whαt i think wαy too much.
i'm just α girl wit