Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Arnhem Netherlands
Tja, wat zal ik eens over mezelf vertellen? Dat ik aan sport doe? Volleyballen en hardlopen? Hmmm, niet echt interessant. Waar ik nu werk en woon? Hmmm, staat al in mijn profiel. Misschien dat ik lange tijd in Afrika heb gewerkt en gewoond. Vandaar de talen Portugees en Kiswahili.
as Facebook is an international medium, I should write this profile in English. But then, what is there to tell? Perhaps my favorite sports? Running and voleyball? Well, who cares.... Perhaps where I work and live? Is already in my profile. Let me just mention, that I've worked and lived in Africa for a long time. Tanzania is my second home-country, and also Mozambique stole my heart. Hence the languages Kiswahili
Users being followed by Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen