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Guidance Log                                       1

               Reflective Practice Guidance Log

                         Lekha Rajiv

                     Professor L. Bennet
               Guidance and the Individual Child
                   ECEP 132, Section 002
                        4 March 2011
Guidance Log                                                                                  2

Time: 9:30 AM
D.O.B: 12 June 2010
Childs name: Kairo
Observer name: Lekha Rajiv
Setting: Indoor to outdoor play ground

Context: Child taking off the mittens outdoors.

                         Part 1-Objective Observation
     (Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem)

Date: 23 February ,2011

On the 23rd of February, Thursday at 9:30 AM, the children were taken outside for
outdoor play. Toddlers were dressed up with coats, snow pants, caps, mittens and boots
with the help of teachers. The teachers also dressed up in winter clothes to model for
children. The teachers asked the children to form a line and walk slowly. When they
reached the playground the ECE asked them to sit first and then she called the names of
the children one by one. After that, the children started playing. While Kairo was playing,
he kept taking off his mittens of both his hands in the cold. I got down to his eye-level
and asked him to leave the mittens on by telling him I am worried about your hands
being cold. I also said if you put your mittens your hands will be warm. I showed him
my mittens and told him my hands are warm because I am wearing mittens. Kairo
looked at my mittens and started to put his mittens on and I helped him.

                                    Part 2- Decision

 (Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is
                      appropriate for this child/situation)

I used the modeling and imitation strategy here to show Kairo the importance of wearing
mittens in the cold weather. This guidance strategy is developmentally appropriate for
toddlers. According to Bandura the modeling strategy is based on the child watching the
adult and the child follows their activity (Marion, 2011, pp.132). For Bandura, a child
can learn something just by watching it (Marion, 2011, pp.132). By setting the right
example, the child follows you. The teacher becomes the role model for the child. I used
this authoritative style of care-giving in this scenario because it helps children safe and
secure (Class Handouts, January 15 2012). When the child performs something learned
through modeling, the child imitated the behavior. Imitation is performing an action
modeled by someone else (Marion, 2011, pp.132). When the teachers models an activity,
the child learns it and while performing the act the child imitates the teacher.
                                        Part 3-Action
     (Clearly discuss your action, the childs response and the results of the
                                     guidance strategy)
Guidance Log                                                                                 3

I got down to the childs level to keep eye contact. I used positive wording without using
the word dont to explain to Kairo about mittens keeping hands warm. I used phrases
like you can keep your hands warm by putting on mittens instead of dont remove
your mittens! is better. Positive wording works extremely well with children. I used
short and specific sentences without complicating things. This simple sentence helped
Kairo to understand my points easily.

Child response
Kairo maintained eye contact with me when I got down to his level. He listened to my
words and put his mittens on without any problem with a little help from me. This means
he understood my words.

Result of strategy
The guidance strategy of modeling worked well and Kairo put his mittens on without any
hesitation. Kairo responded favourably to my words by putting on his mittens.

                                     Part 4-Reflection
  (Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would
                                     make if needed)
                   Strengths                                      Needs
 I used positive wording to communicate       I always need to model to the children
 with the child.                              positively to ensure the child follows the
 I used simple, short and specific sentences activity or the action properly.
 for the child to understand better.          I always need to use positive wording and
 I used modeling as the guidance strategy     communication to maintain meaningful
 to help the child. This strategy             conversation with the child.
 implemented by Albert Bandura is based       I always need to keep eye ball to eye ball
 on the child watching the adult and          contact.
 following their activity (Marion, 2011,      I need to build trust with the child. I
 pp.132).                                     should foster a relationship with children
 I got down to the childs level maintained and try to sustain the relationship.
 eye contact throughout the conversation.     I need to initiate conversations. I need to
 I remained calm throughout the               look for the quiet child and initiate
 conversation to make the child at ease.      conversations with them and try to keep
                                              them engaged.

 The most important thing I have learnt about guiding children is the importance of
 modeling for children. Children listen if the instructor is following the instructions
 themselves. For example, Kairo listened to me because I modeled properly by wearing
 mittens while outdoors. By using respectful language and positive wording like you
 can keep your hands warm by putting on mittens instead of words like dont remove
 your mittens! which upsets the children, positive wording could be used to promote
 self-esteem and make the child feel better. I worked in particular with Kairo about the
 mittens issue. However, by modeling the right actions the children (group) would be
 able to imitate the right actions such as not taking off mittens during the winter while
 outside. By using modeling and positive wording strategies to the child the teacher
Guidance Log                                                                                  4

 sets an example for the child to become pro-social. For example, by using positive
 wording to the child, the child in turn uses positive wording in his/her interactions with
 other people. By helping Kairo, I have created a good relationship with him. Good
 relationships can be created if the teacher is calm and talks to the child with respect.
 The teacher also needs to model positive behavior to the children. Positive wording
 helps the children to understand better without fear and with a sense of security. This
 helps to create meaningful relationships with children.
 Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them.
 In order to deter children from removing their mittens outdoors during cold weather, I
 would use a prevention strategy by singing keep your mittens on to keep your hands
 warm to hold their attention and so that the children wont remove their mittens
 outside. Likewise, the use of stories and story books related to the topic of winter and
 winter-clothing will help the children to understand the importance of proper-winter
 clothing. The stories will help the children to remember and recall the importance of
 proper winter-clothing, so they will remember never to take off their clothing while
 outdoors during the winter. This is an example of memory development through the
 use of stories and songs (Marion, 2011, pp.132). Since, I am only at the centre for two
 days; my information on the children is limited. I will ask the ECE for more
 information to understand the child better.

                                  Supervising ECE Signatures:

Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log and select the
appropriate box below to assist us in grading this assignment. Thank you!

   o The log is accurate and based on observations

   o The log is somewhat accurate. Please explain: ______________________

   o This log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain:_______________

ECE Signature: ____________________  Agency name: _______________________
Agency Phone Number: ______________________
Guidance Log                                                                                    5

Time: February 16, Thursday, 10 A.M.
Name: Luna and Anniyah
D.O.B: May 4 2010, March 21 2010
Observer: Lekha Rajiv
Setting: Toddler room

Context: Children fighting over a doll

                         Part 1-Objective Observation
     (Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem)

Date: February 16, 2012. Thursday, 10 A.M.

On the 16th of February, Thursday morning at 10 A.M. in the toddler room, I was playing
and interacting with children in the dramatic play area of the room. I observed Luna take
a doll and put it onto the carpet and covered the doll using a scarf. Anniyah came and
took the doll and the scarf. Both of them were pulling the doll and the scarf saying
mine and no. I went to the dramatic play area where Luna and Anniyah were pulling
for the doll. I bent down to meet their eye level and requested Anniyah and Luna to be
gentle with your friend. I explained to Anniyah that Luna took the doll first so give it to
her and I can give you another doll. Anniyah agreed and she gave the doll back to Luna. I
gave Anniyah another doll and she smiled and started to play with the new doll.

                                    Part 2- Decision

 (Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is
                      appropriate for this child/situation)

I used the substitution as redirection guidance strategy. This strategy is developmentally
appropriate. Toddlers often say words like mine and no (Ages and Stages: A Brief
Overview, Two-Year Olds). Substitution as a form of redirection in which an adult
shows a child how to perform an activity or type of activity in a more acceptable or safer
way (Marion, 2011, pp.132). This redirection strategy helped me to distract Anniyah and
helped to avoid inappropriate behavior (Class handouts, February 22, 2012). The use of
this strategy gave Luna and Anniyah both what they wanted. By substitution Anniyah got
to play with a doll and Luna got to play with her doll.

                                       Part 3-Action
     (Clearly discuss your action, the childs response and the results of the
                                    guidance strategy)
I got down to the level of the children and kept eye contact.I used positive wording with
phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont take the doll from her!
Positive wording makes the child feel comfortable and it also teaches respectable and
good behaviour. I kept calm and composed while talking to Anniyah and made her feel
Guidance Log                                                                                 6

comfortable. I explained to her calmly that Luna took the doll first so she would have
give back the doll in order to get another one.

Child response
Anniyah maintained eye contact with me when I got down to her level. She listened to
my words and gave back the doll to Luna. This means she is comfortable with me. She
agreed with me and understood my words.

Result of strategy
The guidance strategy of substitution as redirection worked because Anniyah gave back
the doll to Luna and she played with her own doll separately. The strategy was a success.

                                     Part 4-Reflection
  (Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would
                                      make if needed)
                   Strengths                                       Needs
 I got down to the childs level maintained I need to build trust with the child. I
 eye contact throughout the conversation.      should foster a relationship with children
 I remained calm throughout the                and try to sustain the relationship.
 conversation to make the child at ease.       I always need to use positive wording and
 I used simple, short and specific sentences communication to maintain meaningful
 for the child to understand better.           conversation with the child.
 I used positive wording to communicate        I need to initiate conversations. I need to
 with the child.                               look for the quiet child and initiate
 I used the substitution as redirection        conversations with them and try to keep
 strategy to avoid problems and to deter       them engaged.
 the child from inappropriate behaviour.       I always need to model to the children
                                               positively to ensure the child follows the
                                               activity or the action properly.
                                               I always need to keep eye ball to eye ball

 The most important thing I have learnt about guiding children is about the importance
 of substitution. Children could be distracted and redirected. This is essential to solve
 conflict between children. By using positive wording and speaking kindly and
 respectably by using phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont
 take the doll from her! makes sure the child will feel comfortable interacting with
 you. By speaking respectfully and kindly to children, they gain trust in you. The
 substitution as redirection strategy gives every child what they want. This method is
 good to gain the trust of the children. Substitution as redirection makes sure that the
 children get what they want instead of fighting with each other one item. Redirection
 helps the children to become friends again and not quarrel over the same thing. This
 helps to improve the pro-social behavior of the children. I develop meaningful
 relationships with children because I use positive wording and I speak respectfully to
 children. I make sure the children get what they want through strategies like
 substitution as redirection. Since the children get what they want, they can develop a
Guidance Log                                                                                7

 close and meaningful relationship with me.

 Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them.
 If I could make changes, I would give the child another choice to make along with the
 substitution as redirection strategy. Choices are when the ECE provides two options to
 the child and allows the child to make a decision. Making choices is a choice which the
 children need to be taught. Allowing choices help to build self-esteem of children. For
 children, being able to practice making choices and decisions as a child helps them
 develop an important life skill (Class Handouts, February 22, 2012). I would give
 Anniyah two choices: return the doll to Luna to get another doll or wait for her turn to
 play with the doll by taking turns with other children. Indirect guidance using the
 materials and props in the environment could be used to solve conflict. The availability
 of other dolls makes substitution easier. Taking turns with other children helps the
 child to learn co-operation and patience. This would give Anniyah a chance to make
 her own choice and also helps her to co-operate with other children and develop her
 pro-social behaviour.

                                 Supervising ECE Signatures:

Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log and select the
appropriate box below to assist us in grading this assignment. Thank you!

   o The log is accurate and based on observations

   o The log is somewhat accurate. Please explain: ______________________

   o This log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain:_______________

ECE Signature: ____________________  Agency name: _______________________
Agency Phone Number: ______________________
Guidance Log                                                                                  8

Time: February 17, Friday 3 P.M.
Childs name: Kairo and Jeremiah
D.O.B: 12 June 2010, 3 July 2010
Observers name: Lekha Rajiv
Setting: The toddler room

Context: Children fighting over toys

                         Part 1-Objective Observation
     (Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem)

Date: February 17, Friday, 3 P.M

On Friday, February 17, at 3 P.M., the toddlers were playing with blocks in the block
area and I was interacting and playing with the children. I observed Kairo taking a toy
drum from the shelf and was going to play it. Jeremiah came and started to pull the drum
away from Kairo. Jeremiah was pulling the drum from Kairos hands and Kairo was
saying mine mine. I reached the spot and got down to the eye level of the children and
told Jeremiah to look at the yellow colour school bus. I started to sing Wheels on the
bus go round and round and Jeremiah to the area where the bus was kept. We sang and
we played with the school bus together.

                                    Part 2- Decision

 (Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is
                      appropriate for this child/situation)

I have used the Redirect strategy to divert and distract children. Diverting and
Distracting is useful with toddlers. Redirection in which an adult sidetracks as a toddler
from one activity and steers him to safer activity (Marion, 2011, pp.132). Toddlers often
use mine and no (Ages and Stages, Two-years olds) in this age. This strategy helps to
divert and distract children from inappropriate behaviours. This strategy helped me to
divert and distract Jeremiah and do other things.

                                       Part 3-Action
     (Clearly discuss your action, the childs response and the results of the
                                    guidance strategy)
I got down to the level of the children and kept eye contact. I used positive wording with
phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont take the drum from him!
Positive wording makes the child feel comfortable and it also teaches respectable and
good behaviour. I used phrases like lets play together Jeremiah and lets play with the
yellow school bus to gather the attention of the child. I kept calm and composed while
talking to Jeremiah and made him feel comfortable.
Guidance Log                                                                                    9

Child response
Jeremiah maintained eye contact with me when I got down to his level. He listened to my
words and gave back the drum to Kairo. He agreed with me and therefore he understood
my words.

Result of strategy
The guidance strategy of divert and distract as a redirection worked because Jeremiah
listened to my song and began to start playing with the yellow school bus. Therefore, the
strategy was a success.

                               Part 4-Reflection
  (Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would
                               make if needed)
                Strengths                              Needs

 I used simple, short and specific sentences    I always need to keep eye ball to eye ball
 for the child to understand better.            contact.
 I used positive wording to communicate         I need to build trust with the child. I
 with the child.                                should foster a relationship with children
 I got down to the childs level maintained     and try to sustain the relationship.
 eye contact throughout the conversation.       I always need to model to the children
 I remained calm throughout the                 positively to ensure the child follows the
 conversation to make the child at ease.        activity or the action properly.
 I used the divert and distract strategy to     I always need to use positive wording and
 avoid problems and to deter the child          communication to maintain meaningful
 from inappropriate behaviour.                  conversation with the child.
                                                I need to initiate conversations. I need to
                                                look for the quiet child and initiate
                                                conversations with them and try to keep
                                                them engaged.
 The most important thing I have learnt about guiding children is about the importance
 of creating diversions and distracting children to avoid conflict and inappropriate
 behavior. I used this strategy to success with Jeremiah because I knew he was
 interested in cars and toys with wheels. When he was pulling for the drum with Kairo,
 I diverted him to another toy and he listened to me and began to play with me. By
 using positive wording and phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of
 dont take the drum from him! is good for the self-esteem of the child. The child
 feels respected when the teacher is not yelling at them. Praising the child after the child
 listens to you is another way to increase the self-esteem of the child. These methods
 help to increase the self-esteem of the child. By speaking respectfully and kindly to
 children, they gain trust in you. The divert and distract as redirection strategy gives lets
 every child do something they enjoy. For example, although Jeremiah couldnt play
 with the drums at that time he still played with the yellow school bus which he enjoys
 to do. This method is good to gain the trust of the children. Divert and distract as
 redirection makes sure that the children get what they want instead of fighting with
 each other one item. Redirection helps the children to become friends and not quarrel
Guidance Log                                                                                  10

 over one thing. It avoids confrontation and argument between children. I used the
 divert and distract as redirection strategy and this eased out the argument between
 Kairo and Jeremiah for the drum. This strategy helps to improve interaction between
 children and eventually the pro-social behavior of the children. I develop meaningful
 relationships with children because I use positive wording and I speak respectfully to
 children. I make sure the children get what they want through strategies like divert and
 distract as redirection. Since the children get what they want or what they like to do,
 they can develop a close and meaningful relationship with me because they are not

 Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them.
 If I could make changes, I would give the child another choice to make along with the
 divert and distract as redirection strategy. Choices are when the ECE provides two or
 more options to the child and allows the child to make a decision. Making choices is a
 choice which the children need to be taught. Allowing choices help to build self-
 esteem of children. For children, being able to practice making choices and decisions
 as a child helps them develop an important life skill (Class Handouts, February 22,
 2012). I would give Jeremiah two choices: return the drum to Kairo to and play with
 another instrument or to wait for his turn to play with the drum by taking turns with
 other children. The use of materials and props could be used to solve the conflict.
 Since, there is only one drum in the class a substitution as redirection strategy could be
 used. Taking turns also fosters co-operation and patience among children. This would
 give Jeremiah a chance to make his own choice and also helps him to co-operate with
 other children.

                                  Supervising ECE Signatures:

Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log and select the
appropriate box below to assist us in grading this assignment. Thank you!

   o The log is accurate and based on observations

   o The log is somewhat accurate. Please explain: ______________________

   o This log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain:_______________

ECE Signature: ____________________  Agency name: _______________________
Agency Phone Number: ______________________
Guidance Log                                                                                      11


Through this assignment I have developed a good understanding of application of positive
guidance strategies. I have learned both direct and indirect guidance strategies appropriate to the
development of children. I have developed good observation skills with which I am able to
notice conflict. I am able to step in and solve conflict using guidance strategies.

Although enjoyable, the assignment was time-consuming in nature. Answering the questions
took a lot of time. The assignment was also quite challenging. To avoid the challenge and race
against time, I will have to make better references from the textbook, and make better notes to
analyze data. Through this method, I would be more efficient and better suited to finish the
assignment next time.
Guidance Log                                                                         12


Ages and Stages: A Brief Overview, Two-Year Olds

Class Handouts, February 22, 2012

Marion,M. (2011). Guidance of Young Children. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA;

       Pearson Education.

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  • 1. Guidance Log 1 Reflective Practice Guidance Log Lekha Rajiv Professor L. Bennet Guidance and the Individual Child ECEP 132, Section 002 4 March 2011
  • 2. Guidance Log 2 Time: 9:30 AM D.O.B: 12 June 2010 Childs name: Kairo Observer name: Lekha Rajiv Setting: Indoor to outdoor play ground Context: Child taking off the mittens outdoors. Part 1-Objective Observation (Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem) Date: 23 February ,2011 On the 23rd of February, Thursday at 9:30 AM, the children were taken outside for outdoor play. Toddlers were dressed up with coats, snow pants, caps, mittens and boots with the help of teachers. The teachers also dressed up in winter clothes to model for children. The teachers asked the children to form a line and walk slowly. When they reached the playground the ECE asked them to sit first and then she called the names of the children one by one. After that, the children started playing. While Kairo was playing, he kept taking off his mittens of both his hands in the cold. I got down to his eye-level and asked him to leave the mittens on by telling him I am worried about your hands being cold. I also said if you put your mittens your hands will be warm. I showed him my mittens and told him my hands are warm because I am wearing mittens. Kairo looked at my mittens and started to put his mittens on and I helped him. Part 2- Decision (Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is appropriate for this child/situation) I used the modeling and imitation strategy here to show Kairo the importance of wearing mittens in the cold weather. This guidance strategy is developmentally appropriate for toddlers. According to Bandura the modeling strategy is based on the child watching the adult and the child follows their activity (Marion, 2011, pp.132). For Bandura, a child can learn something just by watching it (Marion, 2011, pp.132). By setting the right example, the child follows you. The teacher becomes the role model for the child. I used this authoritative style of care-giving in this scenario because it helps children safe and secure (Class Handouts, January 15 2012). When the child performs something learned through modeling, the child imitated the behavior. Imitation is performing an action modeled by someone else (Marion, 2011, pp.132). When the teachers models an activity, the child learns it and while performing the act the child imitates the teacher. Part 3-Action (Clearly discuss your action, the childs response and the results of the guidance strategy) Action
  • 3. Guidance Log 3 I got down to the childs level to keep eye contact. I used positive wording without using the word dont to explain to Kairo about mittens keeping hands warm. I used phrases like you can keep your hands warm by putting on mittens instead of dont remove your mittens! is better. Positive wording works extremely well with children. I used short and specific sentences without complicating things. This simple sentence helped Kairo to understand my points easily. Child response Kairo maintained eye contact with me when I got down to his level. He listened to my words and put his mittens on without any problem with a little help from me. This means he understood my words. Result of strategy The guidance strategy of modeling worked well and Kairo put his mittens on without any hesitation. Kairo responded favourably to my words by putting on his mittens. Part 4-Reflection (Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would make if needed) Strengths Needs I used positive wording to communicate I always need to model to the children with the child. positively to ensure the child follows the I used simple, short and specific sentences activity or the action properly. for the child to understand better. I always need to use positive wording and I used modeling as the guidance strategy communication to maintain meaningful to help the child. This strategy conversation with the child. implemented by Albert Bandura is based I always need to keep eye ball to eye ball on the child watching the adult and contact. following their activity (Marion, 2011, I need to build trust with the child. I pp.132). should foster a relationship with children I got down to the childs level maintained and try to sustain the relationship. eye contact throughout the conversation. I need to initiate conversations. I need to I remained calm throughout the look for the quiet child and initiate conversation to make the child at ease. conversations with them and try to keep them engaged. The most important thing I have learnt about guiding children is the importance of modeling for children. Children listen if the instructor is following the instructions themselves. For example, Kairo listened to me because I modeled properly by wearing mittens while outdoors. By using respectful language and positive wording like you can keep your hands warm by putting on mittens instead of words like dont remove your mittens! which upsets the children, positive wording could be used to promote self-esteem and make the child feel better. I worked in particular with Kairo about the mittens issue. However, by modeling the right actions the children (group) would be able to imitate the right actions such as not taking off mittens during the winter while outside. By using modeling and positive wording strategies to the child the teacher
  • 4. Guidance Log 4 sets an example for the child to become pro-social. For example, by using positive wording to the child, the child in turn uses positive wording in his/her interactions with other people. By helping Kairo, I have created a good relationship with him. Good relationships can be created if the teacher is calm and talks to the child with respect. The teacher also needs to model positive behavior to the children. Positive wording helps the children to understand better without fear and with a sense of security. This helps to create meaningful relationships with children. Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them. In order to deter children from removing their mittens outdoors during cold weather, I would use a prevention strategy by singing keep your mittens on to keep your hands warm to hold their attention and so that the children wont remove their mittens outside. Likewise, the use of stories and story books related to the topic of winter and winter-clothing will help the children to understand the importance of proper-winter clothing. The stories will help the children to remember and recall the importance of proper winter-clothing, so they will remember never to take off their clothing while outdoors during the winter. This is an example of memory development through the use of stories and songs (Marion, 2011, pp.132). Since, I am only at the centre for two days; my information on the children is limited. I will ask the ECE for more information to understand the child better. Supervising ECE Signatures: Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log and select the appropriate box below to assist us in grading this assignment. Thank you! o The log is accurate and based on observations o The log is somewhat accurate. Please explain: ______________________ ______________________________________________________________ o This log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain:_______________ ___________________________________________________________________ ECE Signature: ____________________ Agency name: _______________________ Agency Phone Number: ______________________
  • 5. Guidance Log 5 Time: February 16, Thursday, 10 A.M. Name: Luna and Anniyah D.O.B: May 4 2010, March 21 2010 Observer: Lekha Rajiv Setting: Toddler room Context: Children fighting over a doll Part 1-Objective Observation (Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem) Date: February 16, 2012. Thursday, 10 A.M. On the 16th of February, Thursday morning at 10 A.M. in the toddler room, I was playing and interacting with children in the dramatic play area of the room. I observed Luna take a doll and put it onto the carpet and covered the doll using a scarf. Anniyah came and took the doll and the scarf. Both of them were pulling the doll and the scarf saying mine and no. I went to the dramatic play area where Luna and Anniyah were pulling for the doll. I bent down to meet their eye level and requested Anniyah and Luna to be gentle with your friend. I explained to Anniyah that Luna took the doll first so give it to her and I can give you another doll. Anniyah agreed and she gave the doll back to Luna. I gave Anniyah another doll and she smiled and started to play with the new doll. Part 2- Decision (Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is appropriate for this child/situation) I used the substitution as redirection guidance strategy. This strategy is developmentally appropriate. Toddlers often say words like mine and no (Ages and Stages: A Brief Overview, Two-Year Olds). Substitution as a form of redirection in which an adult shows a child how to perform an activity or type of activity in a more acceptable or safer way (Marion, 2011, pp.132). This redirection strategy helped me to distract Anniyah and helped to avoid inappropriate behavior (Class handouts, February 22, 2012). The use of this strategy gave Luna and Anniyah both what they wanted. By substitution Anniyah got to play with a doll and Luna got to play with her doll. Part 3-Action (Clearly discuss your action, the childs response and the results of the guidance strategy) Action I got down to the level of the children and kept eye contact.I used positive wording with phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont take the doll from her! Positive wording makes the child feel comfortable and it also teaches respectable and good behaviour. I kept calm and composed while talking to Anniyah and made her feel
  • 6. Guidance Log 6 comfortable. I explained to her calmly that Luna took the doll first so she would have give back the doll in order to get another one. Child response Anniyah maintained eye contact with me when I got down to her level. She listened to my words and gave back the doll to Luna. This means she is comfortable with me. She agreed with me and understood my words. Result of strategy The guidance strategy of substitution as redirection worked because Anniyah gave back the doll to Luna and she played with her own doll separately. The strategy was a success. Part 4-Reflection (Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would make if needed) Strengths Needs I got down to the childs level maintained I need to build trust with the child. I eye contact throughout the conversation. should foster a relationship with children I remained calm throughout the and try to sustain the relationship. conversation to make the child at ease. I always need to use positive wording and I used simple, short and specific sentences communication to maintain meaningful for the child to understand better. conversation with the child. I used positive wording to communicate I need to initiate conversations. I need to with the child. look for the quiet child and initiate I used the substitution as redirection conversations with them and try to keep strategy to avoid problems and to deter them engaged. the child from inappropriate behaviour. I always need to model to the children positively to ensure the child follows the activity or the action properly. I always need to keep eye ball to eye ball contact. The most important thing I have learnt about guiding children is about the importance of substitution. Children could be distracted and redirected. This is essential to solve conflict between children. By using positive wording and speaking kindly and respectably by using phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont take the doll from her! makes sure the child will feel comfortable interacting with you. By speaking respectfully and kindly to children, they gain trust in you. The substitution as redirection strategy gives every child what they want. This method is good to gain the trust of the children. Substitution as redirection makes sure that the children get what they want instead of fighting with each other one item. Redirection helps the children to become friends again and not quarrel over the same thing. This helps to improve the pro-social behavior of the children. I develop meaningful relationships with children because I use positive wording and I speak respectfully to children. I make sure the children get what they want through strategies like substitution as redirection. Since the children get what they want, they can develop a
  • 7. Guidance Log 7 close and meaningful relationship with me. Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them. If I could make changes, I would give the child another choice to make along with the substitution as redirection strategy. Choices are when the ECE provides two options to the child and allows the child to make a decision. Making choices is a choice which the children need to be taught. Allowing choices help to build self-esteem of children. For children, being able to practice making choices and decisions as a child helps them develop an important life skill (Class Handouts, February 22, 2012). I would give Anniyah two choices: return the doll to Luna to get another doll or wait for her turn to play with the doll by taking turns with other children. Indirect guidance using the materials and props in the environment could be used to solve conflict. The availability of other dolls makes substitution easier. Taking turns with other children helps the child to learn co-operation and patience. This would give Anniyah a chance to make her own choice and also helps her to co-operate with other children and develop her pro-social behaviour. Supervising ECE Signatures: Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log and select the appropriate box below to assist us in grading this assignment. Thank you! o The log is accurate and based on observations o The log is somewhat accurate. Please explain: ______________________ ______________________________________________________________ o This log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain:_______________ ___________________________________________________________________ ECE Signature: ____________________ Agency name: _______________________ Agency Phone Number: ______________________
  • 8. Guidance Log 8 Time: February 17, Friday 3 P.M. Childs name: Kairo and Jeremiah D.O.B: 12 June 2010, 3 July 2010 Observers name: Lekha Rajiv Setting: The toddler room Context: Children fighting over toys Part 1-Objective Observation (Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem) Date: February 17, Friday, 3 P.M On Friday, February 17, at 3 P.M., the toddlers were playing with blocks in the block area and I was interacting and playing with the children. I observed Kairo taking a toy drum from the shelf and was going to play it. Jeremiah came and started to pull the drum away from Kairo. Jeremiah was pulling the drum from Kairos hands and Kairo was saying mine mine. I reached the spot and got down to the eye level of the children and told Jeremiah to look at the yellow colour school bus. I started to sing Wheels on the bus go round and round and Jeremiah to the area where the bus was kept. We sang and we played with the school bus together. Part 2- Decision (Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is appropriate for this child/situation) I have used the Redirect strategy to divert and distract children. Diverting and Distracting is useful with toddlers. Redirection in which an adult sidetracks as a toddler from one activity and steers him to safer activity (Marion, 2011, pp.132). Toddlers often use mine and no (Ages and Stages, Two-years olds) in this age. This strategy helps to divert and distract children from inappropriate behaviours. This strategy helped me to divert and distract Jeremiah and do other things. Part 3-Action (Clearly discuss your action, the childs response and the results of the guidance strategy) Action I got down to the level of the children and kept eye contact. I used positive wording with phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont take the drum from him! Positive wording makes the child feel comfortable and it also teaches respectable and good behaviour. I used phrases like lets play together Jeremiah and lets play with the yellow school bus to gather the attention of the child. I kept calm and composed while talking to Jeremiah and made him feel comfortable.
  • 9. Guidance Log 9 Child response Jeremiah maintained eye contact with me when I got down to his level. He listened to my words and gave back the drum to Kairo. He agreed with me and therefore he understood my words. Result of strategy The guidance strategy of divert and distract as a redirection worked because Jeremiah listened to my song and began to start playing with the yellow school bus. Therefore, the strategy was a success. Part 4-Reflection (Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would make if needed) Strengths Needs I used simple, short and specific sentences I always need to keep eye ball to eye ball for the child to understand better. contact. I used positive wording to communicate I need to build trust with the child. I with the child. should foster a relationship with children I got down to the childs level maintained and try to sustain the relationship. eye contact throughout the conversation. I always need to model to the children I remained calm throughout the positively to ensure the child follows the conversation to make the child at ease. activity or the action properly. I used the divert and distract strategy to I always need to use positive wording and avoid problems and to deter the child communication to maintain meaningful from inappropriate behaviour. conversation with the child. I need to initiate conversations. I need to look for the quiet child and initiate conversations with them and try to keep them engaged. The most important thing I have learnt about guiding children is about the importance of creating diversions and distracting children to avoid conflict and inappropriate behavior. I used this strategy to success with Jeremiah because I knew he was interested in cars and toys with wheels. When he was pulling for the drum with Kairo, I diverted him to another toy and he listened to me and began to play with me. By using positive wording and phrases like please be gentle to your friend instead of dont take the drum from him! is good for the self-esteem of the child. The child feels respected when the teacher is not yelling at them. Praising the child after the child listens to you is another way to increase the self-esteem of the child. These methods help to increase the self-esteem of the child. By speaking respectfully and kindly to children, they gain trust in you. The divert and distract as redirection strategy gives lets every child do something they enjoy. For example, although Jeremiah couldnt play with the drums at that time he still played with the yellow school bus which he enjoys to do. This method is good to gain the trust of the children. Divert and distract as redirection makes sure that the children get what they want instead of fighting with each other one item. Redirection helps the children to become friends and not quarrel
  • 10. Guidance Log 10 over one thing. It avoids confrontation and argument between children. I used the divert and distract as redirection strategy and this eased out the argument between Kairo and Jeremiah for the drum. This strategy helps to improve interaction between children and eventually the pro-social behavior of the children. I develop meaningful relationships with children because I use positive wording and I speak respectfully to children. I make sure the children get what they want through strategies like divert and distract as redirection. Since the children get what they want or what they like to do, they can develop a close and meaningful relationship with me because they are not upset. Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them. If I could make changes, I would give the child another choice to make along with the divert and distract as redirection strategy. Choices are when the ECE provides two or more options to the child and allows the child to make a decision. Making choices is a choice which the children need to be taught. Allowing choices help to build self- esteem of children. For children, being able to practice making choices and decisions as a child helps them develop an important life skill (Class Handouts, February 22, 2012). I would give Jeremiah two choices: return the drum to Kairo to and play with another instrument or to wait for his turn to play with the drum by taking turns with other children. The use of materials and props could be used to solve the conflict. Since, there is only one drum in the class a substitution as redirection strategy could be used. Taking turns also fosters co-operation and patience among children. This would give Jeremiah a chance to make his own choice and also helps him to co-operate with other children. Supervising ECE Signatures: Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log and select the appropriate box below to assist us in grading this assignment. Thank you! o The log is accurate and based on observations o The log is somewhat accurate. Please explain: ______________________ ______________________________________________________________ o This log is not accurate based on observations. Please explain:_______________ ___________________________________________________________________ ECE Signature: ____________________ Agency name: _______________________ Agency Phone Number: ______________________
  • 11. Guidance Log 11 Self-Evaluation Through this assignment I have developed a good understanding of application of positive guidance strategies. I have learned both direct and indirect guidance strategies appropriate to the development of children. I have developed good observation skills with which I am able to notice conflict. I am able to step in and solve conflict using guidance strategies. Although enjoyable, the assignment was time-consuming in nature. Answering the questions took a lot of time. The assignment was also quite challenging. To avoid the challenge and race against time, I will have to make better references from the textbook, and make better notes to analyze data. Through this method, I would be more efficient and better suited to finish the assignment next time.
  • 12. Guidance Log 12 References Ages and Stages: A Brief Overview, Two-Year Olds Class Handouts, February 22, 2012 Marion,M. (2011). Guidance of Young Children. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA; Pearson Education.