A registration form must be completed and sent by April 10, 2015 to the Scientific Secretary for the Productica-Dacia Renault Commission conference. The form requests an author's name and surname, paper title, up to 5 keywords, author details and categories, a 100-word English abstract, phone number, email, and institution. It is to be emailed to comisiaproducticadaciarenault@gmail.com.
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Registration form scientific_session_may_2015
1. MAY 29, 2015
Registration form
Please fill the registration form and send it until April 10, 2015, to Scientific Secretary of
Productica-Dacia Renault Commission, Ph. D. Lecturer Dana Tilina
This form will be sent to the following e-mail adress: comisiaproducticadaciarenault@gmail.com
NAME, Surname:
Title of the paper:
Key words (max.5)
1. *
2. *
3. *
4. *
* Please specify the category of each author (student, Ph. D student,
professor/scientific researcher, company delegate)
Abstract (maximum 100
words, in English)
Contact data: