Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
New Delhi, India
AbOuT mE!!!!!!!!!! ♫
...................pedestrian, prolix, saforific, nasty, cynic, mildly indecent............... DTs mE!!!!
...... i know who i m inside & outside & i know wt i wnt to do & i'll always go wit my dreams
........well !!!!!!! i love to delve into the things to get to the bottom of them, i always choose profession of my choice, i m forceful & logical in most of the things but sometimes i get confused over the smallest issues, if i get stick in some project or work it is difficult to get myself away fm it till it is finished......................
i m talkative & sometimes this is done out of loneliness........
i m a fighter!!!! [ha!! ha
Users being followed by Lily McKena