The Women's Ministry at Thomas Road Baptist Church aims to produce committed Christ followers by helping women attend services, connect in growth groups, and serve together on teams. The ministry has various programs and activities to accomplish this, such as Bible studies, retreats, and mentoring. It is led by a director and assistant director, and has a leadership structure that includes coordinators for different programs and community groups. The ministry's core values center around being Christ-centered and biblically based.
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Womens Ministry 09
1. Womens Ministry
Thomas Road Baptist Church
Monday, March 23, 2009
2. Our vision is to produce / enable committed followers
of Christ.
Monday, March 23, 2009
4. We do this by taking these steps
each week:
A TTEND a service.
C ONNECT with a growing group.
T EAM UP for ministry.
S HARE your faith.
Monday, March 23, 2009
5. Core Values
1. Christ Centered - Jesus is the head of all we do. Eph. 3:21
2. Biblically Based - What does the Bible say & how can we apply it? II Tim.
3. Prayer Energized - Nothing of eternal signi鍖cance ever happens
apart from prayer. Isaiah 56:7
5. Outreach Focused - Lost people are important to God and they are
important to us as well. Luke 15:1-32
7. Group Oriented - Acts 2:41-47
8. Healthy Friendships - Choose godly girlfriends - Proverbs 31:30
9. Healthy Relationships -Teach women to love their husbands & children -
Titus 2:3-5
10. Value Femininity - 1 Cor. 15:33
Monday, March 23, 2009
7. TRBC Womens Ministry
Lisa Bryant
Womens Ministry Director
Patsy Sanders
Asst. WM Director
Amber Carter
Ministry Assistant
Robin Vestal
Janet Brown Laurie Rice Pam Tanner
Donna Barber Melinda Bunyard
Harriet Callaway
Community Groups
Body & Soul MOPS Coordinator LU -Generations
Prayer Coordinator Coffee Break
Evening Studies Creative Arts
Julie Nash Monica Rose Dawn Turner
Linda Barrick Melinda Bunyard Debbie Miller
Newsletter LU Specialization, Minor Newcomers
Mountain Blend Outreach Mentoring
Ministry Outings
Monday, March 23, 2009
8. Vehicles:
Mountain Blend Tuesday Morning
Coee Break - Outreach to Professional Women
Team Leaders, Small Group Leaders
Womens study groups
Womens Newsletter
Community Groups
Activities Hiking, shopping, etc.
Body Soul
Outreach Ministries
Moms Morning Out
Mom 2 Mom
Mentoring Program
One on One Discipleship
Monday, March 23, 2009
15. Develop Strong Leaders
1. Involve your women.
2. Inspire your women.
3. Instruct your women.
4. Instill passion commitment in your
5. Intercede for your women.
- Patsy Sanders, Asst. WM Director
Monday, March 23, 2009
16. Leadership
is a
Privilege and a
Everything we do in
Womens Ministry at
Thomas Road and in
the community should
have the highest
standards. Honor
Monday, March 23, 2009
17. As a leader, we need
to remember that we
are an example for
the women we are
leading. They will
watch us
! ...At Church
! ! ...At Home
! ! ! ...With Friends
! ! ! ! ...In the grocery line
! ! ! ! ! ...Online ... Facebook and E-mails
It is often said that You may be the only Jesus some people see...What will they see when the look at us?
Certainly we are broken, imperfect women - but will we be surrendered women who love God above all
and seek to glorify Him in Everything we do? We represent our Lord, our church, and our families.
Monday, March 23, 2009
18. TRBC Womens Ministry Expectations 08 -09
What You Can Expect From Us:
You can expect us to keep you informed of all womens ministry events and
You can also expect us to work to provide you with ongoing training
opportunities and any resources you may need in your particular area of
ministry. We will diligently pray for you. We also want you to feel free to
convey to us any concerns or needs you may have.
Our goal is to make you successful in your life and ministry opportunities.
What We Expect From You!
Beyond any other expectation we expect you to be living a Christ centered,
Spirit 鍖lled life. We expect you to be at your location of responsibility at the
scheduled requested time, and participate in any leadership training
sessions made available. We expect you to ful鍖ll your commitment of service for
one year (or other agreed upon time). We would ask that you be prepared to
step into leadership roles as needed and be actively reproducing yourself in
others. A regular time spent with women one on one should be allotted in your
schedules as you actively pursue an intentional opportunity to spiritually impact
their lives.
**You can hold us to the same expectations we desire for you**
Monday, March 23, 2009
22. David was anointed but he made
mistakes. And though he was
redeemedstill he grappled with
the choices he made. But he was
transformedand we can be, too.
LifeWay Christian Stores 800.458.2772
Monday, March 23, 2009
33. Evaluator
It is the goal of the Womens Ministry to
grow a fully committed follower of Christ.
We evaluate that process by accessing
whether or not the women are on the
base path of win... grow... send...
Is she Attending a service? Connecting to
a growth group? Teaming up to serve?
Monday, March 23, 2009
34. Great leaders
cast visions,
create plans,
and relinquish
Monday, March 23, 2009