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What do the public want from consultation? Ben Page, Director MORI Government Research 020 7347 3242 [email_address]
(And can we give it to them?)
Outline Vast range of options - which is the public most interested in? Is there a  relationship between people enjoying the process and the usefulness of the results? What are we trying to do here? Core principles understanding the difference between research and consultation between depth of participation and representativeness clarity about purpose
Common Concerns About Consultation The issues are too complicated for ordinary people to understand - no point in asking them If we keep asking people what they want, wont we just raise expectations that we cant meet? Isnt the public going to get sick and tired of all this research? We know what everyone thinks already
Common Concerns About Consultation The issues are too complicated for ordinary people to understand - no point in asking them If we keep asking people what they want, wont we just raise expectations that we cant meet? Isnt the public going to get sick and tired of all this research? We know what everyone thinks already
Role of Local Members Base: 1016 Dover  residents Keep you informed  Q Which are the most important for local District Councillors to do? Support the local community  Deal with complaints  Listen to the views of local people  Attend local Council meetings  Represent local Council meetings  Attend open meetings with local residents  Hold surgeries for people with problems  Dont know
What Should Birmingham Councillors do? Listen to local people Deal with complaints Monitor staff Surgeries Act on local views Attend meetings Plan City-wide Base: 1545 interviews conducted with residents aged 18+, 3 Jul-17Aug 99
Image of Best Value Authorities Base: 2,488 residents aged 16+ My Council needs to make more effort to find out what local people want % Agree Q  How strongly do you agree or disagree that your council . . .? Treats all types of people fairly Good value for money % Disagree Quality of Council Services good overall Too remote and impersonal Does not play important part in improving quality of local life
Priorities in Hampshire... Base: 1670 Hampshire residents, aged 16+, interviewed 14 August - 11 October 1999 Q Which two or three do you think are most important for the County Council and its partners to achieve? Listening to needs of community Creating a safer community Protecting & improving environment Improving local public transport links Creating a caring & fairer society Promoting healthy living for all Improving the local economy Improving educational opportunities
Most People feel they are not consulted enough But may still be difficult to get them to take part in a particular exercise Relevance Is the Council doing a good job in implementing its Agenda 21 obligations? Credibility problem - whats in it for me? Spiral of silence
Spiral of Silence Oh yes, they have those community forum things at the church hall every month..but hardly anyone goes Whats the point? Nothing ever happened.  They just always say they dont have enough money How do you know? I went to one the police held  five years ago What was that like?
0 1 2 3 4 0 20 40 60 80 Wave of Panel Research Overall Response Rate based on % of Those Originally Approached Panel Attrition Selected Telephone  Recruitment Using  Quotas Self-selecting Postal  Recruitment Selected Face-to-face  Recruitment Using  Quotas
Problems of attrition - most marked on Panels
Have Clear Objectives Need to be clear whether trying to  give people a chance to have an input speak to user groups, invite comments, survey at shopping centre  boost involvement/understanding communications campaigns, roadshows, local debates get an in-depth understanding qualitative research trying to get an accurate measure of local views; surveys that are representative of the whole community Always need to think about whats in it for  them - not your organisation
Are qualitative approaches more enjoyable?
Qualitative Choices Depth interviews - one to one, around an hour Focus groups - 8-10 people from a similar background for up to 2 hours Citizen's Workshops - 20-30 people from a mixture of backgrounds for a whole day Citizen's Juries - 12-14 people for 2-4 days Planning for Real, Community Conferencing etc
Qualitative Choices Depth interviews - one to one, around an hour Focus groups - 8-10 people from a similar background for up to 2 hours Citizen's Workshops - 20-30 people from a mixture of backgrounds for a whole day Citizen's Juries - 12-14 people for 2-4 days Planning for Real, Community Conferencing etc  Less informed Most informed
Enjoying the Process The public like feeling  they are being taken seriously that something will happen as a result Whether or not this is worthwhile depends on what really happens afterwards where it is clear that time and effort has been taken to get their views Focus groups, community workshops, often described as most enjoyable Dont always get this from opinion polls A really wonderful day, thank you for inviting me
But Panels can be interesting.
I believe I am helping the Government % Agree Q Please tell me whether you agree or disagree? It has been interesting to take part I wish I had not agreed to take part I think that the Panel is a waste of time % Disagree Base:  560 Peoples Panel members, telephone, February 2000 Views on national Peoples Panel Membership
Getting involved: what do people find most attractive
Becoming a Part of Decision-making: what people are in favour of is different to what they actually  do Base: All respondents (1545) Opinion Surveys % Support Local Referendum Residents groups Neighbourhood Forums % Oppose Ward Advisor Board Elections for Mayor Council meeting Ward sub-comm Internet Conference
Preferences - led by familiarity? Q How if at all, has Hertsmere BC asked for your views on local services or issues, in the last year or so?  At a meeting of a group I belong to At a meeting with a councillor At a meeting with staff Via a community group Via a postal questionnaire Via a focus group At a public meeting In a survey like this one Via a panel of residents % asked Base: All residents (1,021)
Preferences - led by familiarity? Q How if at all, has Hertsmere BC asked for your views on local services or issues, in the last year or so?  And which, if any, would you be interested in taking part in to give your views? At a meeting of a group I belong to At a meeting with a councillor At a meeting with staff Via a community group Via a postal questionnaire Via a focus group At a public meeting In a survey like this one Via a panel of residents % asked % interested Base: All residents (1,021)
Community Partnerships Dont know/no opinion Yes, support No, oppose Support Q In principle, would you support or oppose extending Community Partnerships to other parts of the Borough? Base: All residents (1,021)
Community Partnerships Dont know/no opinion Yes, support No, oppose Support Q In principle, would you support or oppose extending Community Partnerships to other parts of the Borough? Q And would you personally be interested in getting involved? Base: All residents (1,021)
Community Partnerships Dont know/no opinion Yes, support No, oppose Support Involvement Q In principle, would you support or oppose extending Community Partnerships to other parts of the Borough? No Depends Yes Q And would you personally be interested in getting involved? Dont know Base: All respondents who support the idea (835) Base: All residents (1,021) Actual Proportion - 2%
But who wants to get involved anyway?
Involvement With the Council Q Which of these statements come closest to your own attitudes towards Leicester City Council?  Base:  1,500 Leicester residents aged 16+ I like to know what the Council is doing but am happy to let them get on with their job I'm not interested in what Council does as long as they do their job I would like to have more say in what the Council does I already work for/involved with Council I'm not interested in what the Council does, or whether they do their job
Involvement With the Council Base:  All residents Authority A Authority B Authority C Want to be more involved
Involvement With the Council Base:  All residents Authority A Authority B Authority C Want to be more involved Net satisfaction
The Disgruntled.  % Wanting more of a say Base: 1,249  residents, aged 16+, interviewed 24 June - 5 August 1999 Total Satisfied Dissatisfied Well informed Not well informed Agree good services Disagree good services Satisfied with area Dissatisfied with area
Depends on perceived  relevance ...
Involvement Q In which, if any, of the following services or issues would you personally like to have greater involvement? Base: 2,488 residents aged 16+ Education services Leisure services Tackling crime Meeting needs of young people Council Housing Social Services How Councils spend their money Cleaning/Environmental services
Key Points
Key Issues Think about theming or packaging consultation Keep it short - if involves self-completion Keep it relevant - always Pilot it A combination of techniques soft/hard qualitative/quantative representative/involving Think about what you are going to be able to do as a result - before you ask the question Make promises - if you can keep them
Questions? Comments?

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  • 1. What do the public want from consultation? Ben Page, Director MORI Government Research 020 7347 3242 [email_address]
  • 2. (And can we give it to them?)
  • 3. Outline Vast range of options - which is the public most interested in? Is there a relationship between people enjoying the process and the usefulness of the results? What are we trying to do here? Core principles understanding the difference between research and consultation between depth of participation and representativeness clarity about purpose
  • 4. Common Concerns About Consultation The issues are too complicated for ordinary people to understand - no point in asking them If we keep asking people what they want, wont we just raise expectations that we cant meet? Isnt the public going to get sick and tired of all this research? We know what everyone thinks already
  • 5. Common Concerns About Consultation The issues are too complicated for ordinary people to understand - no point in asking them If we keep asking people what they want, wont we just raise expectations that we cant meet? Isnt the public going to get sick and tired of all this research? We know what everyone thinks already
  • 6. Role of Local Members Base: 1016 Dover residents Keep you informed Q Which are the most important for local District Councillors to do? Support the local community Deal with complaints Listen to the views of local people Attend local Council meetings Represent local Council meetings Attend open meetings with local residents Hold surgeries for people with problems Dont know
  • 7. What Should Birmingham Councillors do? Listen to local people Deal with complaints Monitor staff Surgeries Act on local views Attend meetings Plan City-wide Base: 1545 interviews conducted with residents aged 18+, 3 Jul-17Aug 99
  • 8. Image of Best Value Authorities Base: 2,488 residents aged 16+ My Council needs to make more effort to find out what local people want % Agree Q How strongly do you agree or disagree that your council . . .? Treats all types of people fairly Good value for money % Disagree Quality of Council Services good overall Too remote and impersonal Does not play important part in improving quality of local life
  • 9. Priorities in Hampshire... Base: 1670 Hampshire residents, aged 16+, interviewed 14 August - 11 October 1999 Q Which two or three do you think are most important for the County Council and its partners to achieve? Listening to needs of community Creating a safer community Protecting & improving environment Improving local public transport links Creating a caring & fairer society Promoting healthy living for all Improving the local economy Improving educational opportunities
  • 10. Most People feel they are not consulted enough But may still be difficult to get them to take part in a particular exercise Relevance Is the Council doing a good job in implementing its Agenda 21 obligations? Credibility problem - whats in it for me? Spiral of silence
  • 11. Spiral of Silence Oh yes, they have those community forum things at the church hall every month..but hardly anyone goes Whats the point? Nothing ever happened. They just always say they dont have enough money How do you know? I went to one the police held five years ago What was that like?
  • 12. 0 1 2 3 4 0 20 40 60 80 Wave of Panel Research Overall Response Rate based on % of Those Originally Approached Panel Attrition Selected Telephone Recruitment Using Quotas Self-selecting Postal Recruitment Selected Face-to-face Recruitment Using Quotas
  • 13. Problems of attrition - most marked on Panels
  • 14. Have Clear Objectives Need to be clear whether trying to give people a chance to have an input speak to user groups, invite comments, survey at shopping centre boost involvement/understanding communications campaigns, roadshows, local debates get an in-depth understanding qualitative research trying to get an accurate measure of local views; surveys that are representative of the whole community Always need to think about whats in it for them - not your organisation
  • 15. Are qualitative approaches more enjoyable?
  • 16. Qualitative Choices Depth interviews - one to one, around an hour Focus groups - 8-10 people from a similar background for up to 2 hours Citizen's Workshops - 20-30 people from a mixture of backgrounds for a whole day Citizen's Juries - 12-14 people for 2-4 days Planning for Real, Community Conferencing etc
  • 17. Qualitative Choices Depth interviews - one to one, around an hour Focus groups - 8-10 people from a similar background for up to 2 hours Citizen's Workshops - 20-30 people from a mixture of backgrounds for a whole day Citizen's Juries - 12-14 people for 2-4 days Planning for Real, Community Conferencing etc Less informed Most informed
  • 18. Enjoying the Process The public like feeling they are being taken seriously that something will happen as a result Whether or not this is worthwhile depends on what really happens afterwards where it is clear that time and effort has been taken to get their views Focus groups, community workshops, often described as most enjoyable Dont always get this from opinion polls A really wonderful day, thank you for inviting me
  • 19. But Panels can be interesting.
  • 20. I believe I am helping the Government % Agree Q Please tell me whether you agree or disagree? It has been interesting to take part I wish I had not agreed to take part I think that the Panel is a waste of time % Disagree Base: 560 Peoples Panel members, telephone, February 2000 Views on national Peoples Panel Membership
  • 21.
  • 22. Getting involved: what do people find most attractive
  • 23. Becoming a Part of Decision-making: what people are in favour of is different to what they actually do Base: All respondents (1545) Opinion Surveys % Support Local Referendum Residents groups Neighbourhood Forums % Oppose Ward Advisor Board Elections for Mayor Council meeting Ward sub-comm Internet Conference
  • 24. Preferences - led by familiarity? Q How if at all, has Hertsmere BC asked for your views on local services or issues, in the last year or so? At a meeting of a group I belong to At a meeting with a councillor At a meeting with staff Via a community group Via a postal questionnaire Via a focus group At a public meeting In a survey like this one Via a panel of residents % asked Base: All residents (1,021)
  • 25. Preferences - led by familiarity? Q How if at all, has Hertsmere BC asked for your views on local services or issues, in the last year or so? And which, if any, would you be interested in taking part in to give your views? At a meeting of a group I belong to At a meeting with a councillor At a meeting with staff Via a community group Via a postal questionnaire Via a focus group At a public meeting In a survey like this one Via a panel of residents % asked % interested Base: All residents (1,021)
  • 26. Community Partnerships Dont know/no opinion Yes, support No, oppose Support Q In principle, would you support or oppose extending Community Partnerships to other parts of the Borough? Base: All residents (1,021)
  • 27. Community Partnerships Dont know/no opinion Yes, support No, oppose Support Q In principle, would you support or oppose extending Community Partnerships to other parts of the Borough? Q And would you personally be interested in getting involved? Base: All residents (1,021)
  • 28. Community Partnerships Dont know/no opinion Yes, support No, oppose Support Involvement Q In principle, would you support or oppose extending Community Partnerships to other parts of the Borough? No Depends Yes Q And would you personally be interested in getting involved? Dont know Base: All respondents who support the idea (835) Base: All residents (1,021) Actual Proportion - 2%
  • 29. But who wants to get involved anyway?
  • 30. Involvement With the Council Q Which of these statements come closest to your own attitudes towards Leicester City Council? Base: 1,500 Leicester residents aged 16+ I like to know what the Council is doing but am happy to let them get on with their job I'm not interested in what Council does as long as they do their job I would like to have more say in what the Council does I already work for/involved with Council I'm not interested in what the Council does, or whether they do their job
  • 31. Involvement With the Council Base: All residents Authority A Authority B Authority C Want to be more involved
  • 32. Involvement With the Council Base: All residents Authority A Authority B Authority C Want to be more involved Net satisfaction
  • 33. The Disgruntled. % Wanting more of a say Base: 1,249 residents, aged 16+, interviewed 24 June - 5 August 1999 Total Satisfied Dissatisfied Well informed Not well informed Agree good services Disagree good services Satisfied with area Dissatisfied with area
  • 34. Depends on perceived relevance ...
  • 35. Involvement Q In which, if any, of the following services or issues would you personally like to have greater involvement? Base: 2,488 residents aged 16+ Education services Leisure services Tackling crime Meeting needs of young people Council Housing Social Services How Councils spend their money Cleaning/Environmental services
  • 37. Key Issues Think about theming or packaging consultation Keep it short - if involves self-completion Keep it relevant - always Pilot it A combination of techniques soft/hard qualitative/quantative representative/involving Think about what you are going to be able to do as a result - before you ask the question Make promises - if you can keep them

Editor's Notes