Commercial fishing poses major threats to shark populations. Shark fins are highly valued for traditional Chinese medicine and soup, leading to the practice of shark finning where sharks have their fins cut off and bodies discarded, killing an estimated 100 million sharks annually. Overfishing and overconsumption of shark meat, fins, and cartilage also threaten sharks, skates, and rays globally each year.
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Commercial fishing :)
1. Commercial
The biggest threat to sharks, skates, and rays is the overfishing
and over-consumption of their meat, fins, and cartilage. Shark
fins are particularly sought after for traditional Chinese medicine
and shark fin soup which is considered a delicacy in Asia.
Commercial shark-finning is a practice where sharks are caught
and their fins are cut off, then the body of the shark is
discarded. Shark finning kills an estimated 100 million or more
sharks globally per year.