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Guru Pendidikan Jasmani
"I fall asleep feeling beautiful. Then, in the morning, before I leave the house, I say five things I love about myself." a YouNg,LoNeLy (Y.S.L) GiRL sEarChiNg foR fReNs.. O.k WuT eLsE aBouT Me??!! i GuEsS a FrEnLy tyPe Of GuRL & eAsY gOinG pERsOn.. i CaN Mix uP wItH aLmOsT aLL kiNd oF PeoPLe.. RegaRdlEss TheiR aGe.. a SeNsiTiVe guRL, buT wiTh GeNerOuS HeaRt.. a liL BiT sTupiD wiTh tHe .. BuT sTilL waNnA TyPe a loNg 'About Me' description.