Liverpool fan in peace. (个亠仆 仆舒 亳于仗仍, 亳亟于舒仄 仄亳 - 仂仄舒 亠 仆舒 豫仆舒亶亠亟 亰舒 仂于舒 舒从仂于舒 仂仆亠仆亳亠)
I would never come on here and start slagging you off.(亳从仂亞舒 仆亠 弍亳 亟仂仍 从 亟舒 于亳 舒舒从于舒仄)
This is in fact the first time I have dared to come in here. (丐仂于舒 于仆仂 亠 仗于亳 仗 从仂亶仂 亳 仗仂亰于仂仍磦舒仄 亟舒 仗亳舒 从)
I wrote and posted this on my own board and wanted to get your take on it..Thanks . (舒仗亳舒 仂于舒 仆舒 仄仂 弍仂亟 亳 亳从舒 亟舒 于舒亠仂 仄仆亠仆亳亠. 仍舒亞仂亟舒)
I've been watching events unfol
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