Who wants to know me can ask me personally and he will be lucky person
life is beautiful when we know its rules....life deserves to sacrifice for it
when i am hurt nobody knows because i can handle my injury socially but don't believe that because from inside i would be dying
i am so romantic, sensitive, simple, have self-confidence, optimistic, precious, cute, forgive other's mistakes but when i am hurt i no more care about anyone
my heart can't be broken unless i love by my heart honestly
悋惺惆 悋惠 悖忰惆 愕 惘悋忰悸 惡悋
惘忰 悋悴惺 悋 悋悴忰 惺惆 惘惷 惺 惺悋惆 惘惆 惡惶惆