Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Islamabad, Pakistan Pakistan
Warning: Don't mistake my niceness for weakness or you will be in for one hell of a surprise !!!
"I am as I am, you are as you are, I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this word to live up to mine! "
" Ive tried and tried and now I give up. I refuse to be the perfect friend to people that cant treat me with the same respect ! " :)
" if i do something wrong i do so for good reason,don't ask me for the truth if you don't like hearing it...i may be wrong but at least I'm not living a lie !!! " ;-)
~ soMe PEopLe DonT uNderStaNd The waY I aM , soMe geT HurT By thE wAy I taLk buT waT caN I dO iF thAts Da ReaL "Me"
"Sorry" I aM noT PerFecT But De
Users following Hinx Hinu