The document describes the 2013 Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT), a virtual book tour that features Christian authors. It will include live radio interviews and three in-person tour stops in July, August, and December 2013 in New York, Maryland, and Baltimore. At each stop, authors will sell and sign books and collect donations for charitable causes like homeless shelters. Dozens of authors are participating and will discuss their faith-based books.
2. 1
2013 Holy Spirit-Filled & Powerful Witnesses
of Christ: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT)
The 2013 Holy Spirit-Filled & Powerful Witnesses of Christ: Christian
Authors on Tour (CAOT) is a virtual book tour with opportunities for Christian book
lovers to interact with Christian fiction and non-fictions authors via scheduled Tour
stops across the United States and LIVE author interviews on the Christian Authors on
Tour (CAOT) Blog Talk Radio Show (
In 2013, CAOT will make three scheduled Tour stops in Harlem, NY at the 15th
Anniversary of the Harlem Book Fair (July 20); Timonium, MD at the 4th
Annual African American Authors Expo (August 17); and in Baltimore, MD at
the 2013 Christian Writers Literary Festival (December 14). Additionally,
Christian authors and readers will have opportunities to support a U.S.-based missions
project at each of the three scheduled Tour stops.
The 2013 Holy Spirit-Filled & Powerful Witnesses of Christ: Christian
Authors on Tour (CAOT) includes dozens of Christian fiction and non-fiction
authors from across the United States who are on FIRE for God and committed to using
writing as a tool for Christian ministry. To interview participating authors, please
contact them directly via their websites. See pages 6 to get the book and contact
information for participating authors.
3. 2
2013 U.S. Book Tour
The Harlem Book Fair is the brainchild of Max Rodriquez.
2013 marks the 15th anniversary of the Harlem Book Fair.
This year's festivities take place July 19-20th in Harlem, NY.
Visit for more details.
July 20, 2013
Harlem, NY
Visit the Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) Booth to purchase
Christian books and to donate NEW personal hygiene items for
homeless men at the New York City Rescue Mission.
The 4th Annual African American Authors Expo
is the brainchild of Patricia Johnson. 2013
marks the fourth anniversary of the African
American Authors Expo. This years festivities
will take place August 16-17th in Timonium, MD.
Visit for more details.
August 17, 2013
Timonium, MD
Visit the Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) table to
purchase Christian books and to donate NEW
household items to support three maternity homes
via the Gabriel Network.
The 2013 Christian Writers Literary Festival is the
signature event for Christian Authors on Tour
(CAOT). This years festivities will take place on
December 14th in Baltimore, MD. Visit
for more details.
December 14, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Meet dozens of Christian authors, purchase lots of
Christian books, enjoy interesting workshops/panel
discussions, and donate NEW personal hygiene
items for homeless men and women at the Baltimore
Rescue Mission and the Karis Home.
30. 29
2013HolySpirit-Filled&PowerfulWitnessesofChrist:ChristianAuthorsonTour(CAOT)|(800)929-1418 Virtual Book Tour
Since 2009, the Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) Blog Talk Radio Show has
provided a venue for Christian authors to share their book ministries with the world.
Listen LIVE on Fridays at 2 p.m. (EST) or download FREE On-Demand podcasts of
hundreds of inspirational interviews with Christian fiction and nonfiction authors.