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Academy for Lifelong Learning Advisory Committee
October 15, 2014
11:15 AM
HSC 106
October5, 2014
Present: SarahWalter,Cheryl LeJune, LouMaster, EvelynCarrington,DonnaSmith,StephenRuback,
ShannonMartin,Marsha Dugger,Marianne Wood,LindaGarbrielson
11:15 AM - Call to Order
Cheryl LeJune calledthe meetingtoorderand welcomedmembersandguests. Guestsincluded Linda
Gabrielson,Marianne Wood,StephenRuback,MarshaDugger. AlsowelcomedwasShannonMartin,
whois the ALL Co-ordinator. There were nocorrectionstothe September minutes.
Committee Reports:
Registrationtookplace Saturday,September13, 2014. Classesbeganthe followingMonday,September
15, 2014.
Sarah Walterand Lou Master have begunworkingonthe Spring2015 catalog. Donna Smithishelping
out withthisfunction.
Additionally,SarahWalterwill be steppingdownasCurriculumChairman,asnotedinthe lastmonths
minutes. There was a meetingSeptember23,2014 at 10 AMinHSC 106 to start planningthe Spring
curriculumand finda newchairperson.
Bus Trips
Oct 2014 Bus Trips Report for A.L.L.
On September17 we touredAustinwithLarryGurka. Ourguidedtourof the TexasState Cemeterywas
livelyandinformative. Lunchwasat the historicScholzBeerGarten,followedbyavisittothe home of
the famousTexansculptressElizabethNeyandawalkto the top of Mt. Bonnell forawonderful view of
We hada delightful outingonOctober14. First,we shoppedatFrobergsFarmersMarketand Greaks
SmokedMeatswhere manyof our memberspurchasedfreshproduct,friedpies,smokedmeatsanda
varietyof otherfooditems. Lunchwas at Kelleysandwe canhighlyrecommendthisrestaurant. The
foodwas excellent,reasonablyprice,large quantitiesand greatservice. We endedthe daywithawine
tastingon the patioof Haak VineyardsandWineryfollowedbyatour of the facility.
Here is a listof our future trips:
Saturday,November8: TexasRenaissance Festival
Saturday,December20: San AntonioRiverWalk
Our datesfor the firstquarterof 2015 are January 28, February14 and March 26. These tripsare still
beingplanned. The signupdayfor the firstquartertripswill be Tuesdayafternoon,December9 and
secondquartersignup isscheduledforFriday,March6 in the morning. The date for thirdquartersign
up has notbeendetermined.
Registrationforthe fourthquarterbustripswentwell. Atthe openhouse the previousSaturday,
membersreceivedahandout of the bus tripdescriptionsandthe signupand refundpolicies. Our
committee receivedpositive feedbackfromthe membershipaboutnew signupprocedures.
Submittedby: SharonSamson,Committee Head
October14, 2014
Committee members: JoanCamenson,MarshaDugger,RJ Eckhardt, AnnLiner, KathyMorley,Louise
Rugaard,EvelynCarrington,Deanne Rosenberg
Events Committee
In the past monthwe have had a couple of meetingsmakingplansforthe upcomingTenthAnniversary
party. It is scheduledforFriday,November21, 2014 from2 to 4 PM inthe Conference Center. Itwill be
an RSVPaffairas we have limitedseatinginthe Conference Center. Notificationsaboutthe eventare
goingto be on the blog,instructionswillbe includedgivingthe RSVPphone numbertocall. The phone
isthe one inCherylsoffice the CEdepartmentandwill be checked. A notice shouldalsobe placedin
the classroom.
On September9,2014 Cheryl LeJune and I spoke tothe FriendsandNeighborsof FM1960. There were
about100 womenpresentwhoheardourpresentationaboutALL. A few of the ladiescame to our fall
registrationandtoldme theycame due to our contact withthem.
I wouldlike toaddanothervolunteertoeachof these committees. Ithelpstohave at least2 people on
each committee.
Communicationand Membership
Nothingwas reported.
The OutreachCommittee hadnothingtoreport.
MeetYou There
EvelynCarringtonstatedthatparticipationinMeetYouThere has beenlimited. She isworkingon
Action Items
1. Fall OpenHouse wasa success.
a. Memberscame andwentwithoutBusTrip Signup,over250 attendees,with70-80 beingnew
2. Membershipcounttodate: 445
3. Plansforour ALL 10th
a. Date: Friday,November21,2014 2-4 PM
b. Location: LSC-CyFairConference Center
c. Theme: Hollywood
d. RSVPrequireddue tocateringandspace availability,call (281) 290-3457
e. Decorationshave beenorderedandreceivedalongwithuse of StudentLife decorations
4. Spring2015 schedule status Sarah Walter, Lou Master andDonna Smith will be gettingtogether
and finalizingthe Springcatalog.
5. ChancellorsBreakfastComments the bondissue wasdiscussed,aswell asourmembershaving
an opportunitytomeetandvisitALLmembersfromothercampuses.
1. NewProgramCoodinator ShannonMartin (interim)
2. NextAdvisoryMeetingwillbe onWednesday,November19,2014 at 11:15 AM.
12:30 Adjourned
Thismeetingwasadjournedat 12:30 PM. The nextAdvisoryCommittee meetingisscheduledfor
Wednesday, November19, 2014 at 11:15AM, HSC 106
Donna Smith,Secretary

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All minutes 10 15-14

  • 1. Minutes Academy for Lifelong Learning Advisory Committee October 15, 2014 11:15 AM HSC 106 October5, 2014 Present: SarahWalter,Cheryl LeJune, LouMaster, EvelynCarrington,DonnaSmith,StephenRuback, ShannonMartin,Marsha Dugger,Marianne Wood,LindaGarbrielson 11:15 AM - Call to Order Cheryl LeJune calledthe meetingtoorderand welcomedmembersandguests. Guestsincluded Linda Gabrielson,Marianne Wood,StephenRuback,MarshaDugger. AlsowelcomedwasShannonMartin, whois the ALL Co-ordinator. There were nocorrectionstothe September minutes. Committee Reports: CurriculumCommittee Registrationtookplace Saturday,September13, 2014. Classesbeganthe followingMonday,September 15, 2014. Sarah Walterand Lou Master have begunworkingonthe Spring2015 catalog. Donna Smithishelping out withthisfunction. Additionally,SarahWalterwill be steppingdownasCurriculumChairman,asnotedinthe lastmonths minutes. There was a meetingSeptember23,2014 at 10 AMinHSC 106 to start planningthe Spring curriculumand finda newchairperson. Bus Trips Oct 2014 Bus Trips Report for A.L.L. On September17 we touredAustinwithLarryGurka. Ourguidedtourof the TexasState Cemeterywas livelyandinformative. Lunchwasat the historicScholzBeerGarten,followedbyavisittothe home of the famousTexansculptressElizabethNeyandawalkto the top of Mt. Bonnell forawonderful view of Austin. We hada delightful outingonOctober14. First,we shoppedatFrobergsFarmersMarketand Greaks SmokedMeatswhere manyof our memberspurchasedfreshproduct,friedpies,smokedmeatsanda varietyof otherfooditems. Lunchwas at Kelleysandwe canhighlyrecommendthisrestaurant. The foodwas excellent,reasonablyprice,large quantitiesand greatservice. We endedthe daywithawine tastingon the patioof Haak VineyardsandWineryfollowedbyatour of the facility. Here is a listof our future trips:
  • 2. Saturday,November8: TexasRenaissance Festival Saturday,December20: San AntonioRiverWalk Our datesfor the firstquarterof 2015 are January 28, February14 and March 26. These tripsare still beingplanned. The signupdayfor the firstquartertripswill be Tuesdayafternoon,December9 and secondquartersignup isscheduledforFriday,March6 in the morning. The date for thirdquartersign up has notbeendetermined. Registrationforthe fourthquarterbustripswentwell. Atthe openhouse the previousSaturday, membersreceivedahandout of the bus tripdescriptionsandthe signupand refundpolicies. Our committee receivedpositive feedbackfromthe membershipaboutnew signupprocedures. Submittedby: SharonSamson,Committee Head October14, 2014 Committee members: JoanCamenson,MarshaDugger,RJ Eckhardt, AnnLiner, KathyMorley,Louise Rugaard,EvelynCarrington,Deanne Rosenberg Events Committee In the past monthwe have had a couple of meetingsmakingplansforthe upcomingTenthAnniversary party. It is scheduledforFriday,November21, 2014 from2 to 4 PM inthe Conference Center. Itwill be an RSVPaffairas we have limitedseatinginthe Conference Center. Notificationsaboutthe eventare goingto be on the blog,instructionswillbe includedgivingthe RSVPphone numbertocall. The phone isthe one inCherylsoffice the CEdepartmentandwill be checked. A notice shouldalsobe placedin the classroom. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR OUTREACH ANDEVENT COMMITTEE On September9,2014 Cheryl LeJune and I spoke tothe FriendsandNeighborsof FM1960. There were about100 womenpresentwhoheardourpresentationaboutALL. A few of the ladiescame to our fall registrationandtoldme theycame due to our contact withthem. I wouldlike toaddanothervolunteertoeachof these committees. Ithelpstohave at least2 people on each committee. MaureenCummings EventChairperson OutreachChairperson Communicationand Membership Nothingwas reported. Outreach The OutreachCommittee hadnothingtoreport.
  • 3. SubmittedbyMaureenCummings MeetYou There EvelynCarringtonstatedthatparticipationinMeetYouThere has beenlimited. She isworkingon speakersforSpring2015 SubmittedbyEvelynCarrington Action Items 1. Fall OpenHouse wasa success. a. Memberscame andwentwithoutBusTrip Signup,over250 attendees,with70-80 beingnew members 2. Membershipcounttodate: 445 3. Plansforour ALL 10th AnniversaryParty: a. Date: Friday,November21,2014 2-4 PM b. Location: LSC-CyFairConference Center c. Theme: Hollywood d. RSVPrequireddue tocateringandspace availability,call (281) 290-3457 e. Decorationshave beenorderedandreceivedalongwithuse of StudentLife decorations 4. Spring2015 schedule status Sarah Walter, Lou Master andDonna Smith will be gettingtogether and finalizingthe Springcatalog. 5. ChancellorsBreakfastComments the bondissue wasdiscussed,aswell asourmembershaving an opportunitytomeetandvisitALLmembersfromothercampuses. Comments 1. NewProgramCoodinator ShannonMartin (interim) 2. NextAdvisoryMeetingwillbe onWednesday,November19,2014 at 11:15 AM. 12:30 Adjourned Thismeetingwasadjournedat 12:30 PM. The nextAdvisoryCommittee meetingisscheduledfor Wednesday, November19, 2014 at 11:15AM, HSC 106 Respectfullysubmitted, Donna Smith,Secretary