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Organization / Workplace
Milan Area, Italy Italy
Digital Specialist & Corporate Communication Account Executive
Advertising / Marketing / PR
After graduating from IX Edition of the Marketing Management Master (post-graduate master's degree) managed by Il Sole 24 Ore Business School and the University of Parma, I started experiencing the PR sector.
Since 2009, I've been working as a PR professional, joining Aida Partners Ogilvy PR on December 2010. I'm currently a Corporate Account Executive and I work for different clients such Syngenta Seeds, Beiersdorf, BMC Software, Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte.
Communication and marketing are the areas where I think I best express my potential, since I believe to be a dynamic and open person, available to face new challenges and experiences that lay before me.
My main fea...
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Users being followed by Lucia Maria Bruno