a quiEt typE 0f pers0n...
a siLent wOrker...
s0me sAys thAt im sn0bbish if y0u rEally d0nt kn0w mE...
I like yellow and orange...
i l0ve c0oking...
i lOve t0 try new thingS...
i l0ve reading boOks that wiLL inspire me...
i loVe 2 dream for mY future...
i lOve keepinG oL memorable thinGs...
i lyk cadbUry ch0colate-timeOut, crunCh, choCnut, m&m, butteRfingeR, tWix. ...
iyakiN(mababaW aNg luhA)...
i lOve watching horRor movieS...
bOdy cOnsciOus...
i lOve mOcha and coffee...
i love TOFU...
i l0ve ciAn&s0fia...
greAt m0ney saVer...
verY oRganize...
gOod h0memakeRs...
striCt with the time...
i loVe collecting thingS...
willing t0 work foR what I want...
always pRaying...