Ain'T a pRinCeSs
i LiVe No LuXury
FeW cOinS in My pOcKet
LAsT me ThE DaY...
I BeCoME me oF My ImpErfectiOns
HAve TaKen A feW wRoNg TUrNs,.
TOok My ShaRe of DoUbTs
StooD wiTH my CeRtaiNtY
LeArn From my MistaKes..
LiFe of UnRevEaLEd MysTeRy
oF a SecRet LuLLAby
LaUgH..., CrY,...
LOve,.. HurT.,,
LeArn.,, FreE,.
LivE and loVe AgAin..
--- lyle