"Lanar Service" expanding our portfolio of desktop virtualization solution architectures, along with the ecosystem of technology partners who are helping us accelerate the path to VDI success for environments of all sizes.
"Lanar Service" expanding our portfolio of desktop virtualization solution architectures, along with the ecosystem of technology partners who are helping us accelerate the path to VDI success for environments of all sizes.
30. 亳亠从舒 仆舒亳 仗仂亟从仂于 Lenovo ThinkPad ThinkCentre T 弌亠亳 X 弌亠亳 11 W 弌亠亳 M 弌亠亳 A 弌亠亳 IdeaPad IdeaCentre Y 弌亠亳 U 弌亠亳 L 弌亠亳 ThinkStation S 弌亠亳 D 弌亠亳 Q 弌亠亳 K 弌亠亳 A 弌亠亳 S 弌亠亳 ThinkServer R 弌亠亳 T 弌亠亳 ThinkVision L 弌亠亳 V 弌亠亳 ThinkPlus 弌亠于亳 B 弌亠亳 D 弌亠亳 C 弌亠亳 E 弌亠亳 Z 弌亠亳 N 弌亠亳 SMB 仂亠弍亳. G 弌亠亳 B 弌亠亳 H 弌亠亳 C 弌亠亳 E 弌亠亳 Skylight smartbooks E 弌亠亳 SL 弌亠亳 ThinkPad Edge ThinkPad Classic 13 14 15 TC 弌亠亳 smartphones
60. Lenovo 从仂仄亠亠从亳亠 仄仂仆亳仂 W-LED, DP1.2 24 4CCFL1920x1200, VGA+DVI, 1-4 USB Hub, LTPS L1900p L2440p Wide L2250p Wide 22 Wide, 1680x1050, VGA+DVI, 80mm Lift, Tilt 19 Sqr, 1280x1024, VGA+DVI, LTPS L197 Wide 19 wide, 1440x900, VGA+DVI (Low EMI model available) L2321x Wide 23.0 2CCFL, 2in1,VGA+ DP, 1-4 USB Hub, LTPS L2251x Wide 22 W-LED, VGA+DP, Cam&SPK, 1-3 USB Hub, LTPS, Low Halogen L2251p Wide 22 Wide, 2CCFL, 1680x1050, VGA+DP, LTPS 19wide, 2CCFL, VGA+DVI, LT (110mm) L1951p Wide L1711p 17 Sqr., 1280x1024, VGA+DVI, 110mm Lift, Tilt The edge of box indicates the first wave SS date New ID Refresh upon cost parity (WLED vs. 2CCFL and DP1.2 vs. DVI-D) Think ID TPG&IPG sharing-model Existing ID W-LED, DP1.2 W-LED, DP1.2 W-LED, DP1.2 W-LED EOL New Transactional ID 23 Duo L2230x Wide 21.5 W-LED, VGA + USB in, integrated port replicator D186 Wide 23.6 W-LED, Win 7 certified multi-touch, 120Hz MEMC, Cam & Mic &SPK, 1-4 USB hub L2060 Wide 20 wide, 1600x900, VGA+DVI L2021 Wide 20wide, 1600x900, 2CCFL, VGA+DVI L2232 Wide 21.5, WLED, VGA+DVI, 1-4 USB L2461x Wide L215 Wide 21.5 wide, 1920x1080, VGA+DVI D185 Wide 18.5 Wide, 1366x768, VGA only, 200nits, 90/50 viewing angles 18.5 wide, 1366x768, VGA+DVI EOL
61. 弌仗亠亳亳从舒亳亳 亟亳仗仍亠 L2321x 仂仆亳仂 于仂从仂亞仂 舒亰亠亠仆亳 亳亠仄仂亶 舒仗仗舒舒仆仂亞仂 舒亰亟亠仍亠仆亳 亳亰仂弍舒亢亠仆亳 仆舒 仆亠从仂仍从仂 仂弍仍舒亠亶 Model Name ID Family Panel Size Resolution Brightness Contrast Ratio Viewing angle (H x V @ CR 10:1) Viewing angle (H x V @ CR 5:1) 亠仄 仂从仍亳从舒 Panel Type 仂亠弍仍磳仄舒 仄仂仆仂 Video Input Signals TCO EPEAT GREENGUARD Lift USB Hub Multimedia 亠仂亞舒亳 仗仂亟舒亢 舒舒仆亳 L2321x Wide ThinkVision Performance 亳舒亞仂仆舒仍 23" 1920 x 1080 250 从亟\仄 2 1000:1 170 / 160 5 仄 CCFL 24 / 28 仆舒仍仂亞仂于亶 + DP TCO Certified Edge Gold No 4.33" / 110mm 舒, 3 仗仂舒 Optional ThinkVision Soundbar 亠 仄亳 3 亞仂亟舒
62. 仂亠亳仂仆舒仍仆亠 舒弍仂亳亠 舒仆亳亳 Workstations = Investment 舒从舒亰亳从舒仄, 仗亳仂弍亠舒ム亳仄 舒弍仂亳亠 舒仆亳亳, 亢亳亰仆亠仆仆仂 于舒亢仆仂 亳仄亠 亳亠仄 仆舒亳于亠亶 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂亳 T H E N E W STRONGER. QUIETER.
64. 舒弍仂亳亠 舒仆亳亳 Entry 1P WS, 仂 $ 8 99 Intel Xeon 3400/4 DIMMs (16GB Max Memory)/2 HDD Bays/Up to NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800 support ISV Certified ECC Memory Ideal for entry-class CAD/DCC projects E20 Mainstream 1P workstation Intel Xeon 3600/6 DIMMs (24GB Max Memory)/3 HDD Bays/Dual NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 support $ 12 00 Tool-less chassis for easy upgrades Ideal for midrange CAD and DCC projects Worlds smallest and most powerful compact 2P workstation, 仂 $1 5 00 Dual Intel Xeon 5600 support (up to 24 CPU threads)/12 DIMMs on C20x (96GB Max Memory)/3 HDD bays/ Dual NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 support Fit up to 14 systems in a 42U rack Halo finance offering for size/performance C20 C20 x The Ultimate Performance 2P Workstation Dual Intel Xeon 5600 support (up to 24 CPU threads)/12 DIMMs (96GB Max Memory)/5 HDD bays/ Dual NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 support $1700 Near-silent operation at 24db Ideal for high-end CAD, DCC, and Oil & Gas projects. D20 S20
#5: We have R&D centre in China, Japan (Yamato lab) and the U.S. Manufacturing, fulfillment hubs in China, India, Mexico, Europe and U.S. Marketing hub in India. Our biz model h elps us could close to key customers and responsive to their needs. Our philosophy is operate in the time zone called now, which let us be the fastest to turn customer needs into products that solve pain points For the R&D centers, we Not only have them, but also closely combine of these 3 world-class R&D centers, which give us a industry leading innovation ability. We call it, the Innovation Triangle. Therefore, we have a diverse global perspective on design and tech innovation. We also share Resources, skills, materials, operations everywhere, which deliver products with speediest and most efficient supply and logistics operation.
#7: 舒 亠从亳亶 仄仂仄亠仆 Lenovo 亰舒仆亳仄舒亠 4-亠 仄亠仂 于 亟亠从亠 从仗仆亠亶亳 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍亠亶 . 仍舒仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 于亶亳 仆舒 于仂仂亠 仄亠仂 亳 亟于仂亳 仗仂亟舒亢亳. KEY POINTS: Review the agenda. Model for them the technique of telling it as a story; relating the activities to achieve the objectives previously stated. We have a lot to cover during our 2 hours together and my job is to ensure that I manage our time. We will be working quickly but there will dialogue and a small group activity. Given our brief time, there will be times when I may have to ask us to move on, so I hope you will understand. All of your comments, concerns and questions are important to be heard, so if we do not get to them today, please write them down and hand them to me at the end of the session. I commit to you a response within (days). There are no specific times listed for each activity. This is on purpose. Our commitment is to finish our work together by (end time). There is no scheduled break. If you need to leave the room, then do. TRANSITION: Lets introduce ourselves and identify what we already know about effective and ineffective presentations. Purpose: Review agenda. Method: Presentation Time: 2 minutes
#9: KEY POINTS: Review the agenda. Model for them the technique of telling it as a story; relating the activities to achieve the objectives previously stated. We have a lot to cover during our 2 hours together and my job is to ensure that I manage our time. We will be working quickly but there will dialogue and a small group activity. Given our brief time, there will be times when I may have to ask us to move on, so I hope you will understand. All of your comments, concerns and questions are important to be heard, so if we do not get to them today, please write them down and hand them to me at the end of the session. I commit to you a response within (days). There are no specific times listed for each activity. This is on purpose. Our commitment is to finish our work together by (end time). There is no scheduled break. If you need to leave the room, then do. TRANSITION: Lets introduce ourselves and identify what we already know about effective and ineffective presentations. Purpose: Review agenda. Method: Presentation Time: 2 minutes
#19: Placeholder - presentation title | Date - 6 April, 2006
#30: According to the customer needs, Think offers a variety of innovative, industry-leading technology products. Award-winning ThinkPad notebook systems have long been seen as the standard by which all other notebook computers are judged. ThinkPads are fiercely innovative and stylish, delivering business advantage through quality, purposeful design, and technology leadership. ThinkCentre desktop systems bring quad-core processing power and state-of-the-art featuresfor reliability, security, and productivityto enterprise and small business customers. ThinkStation systems are designed for professional users running graphic and compute-intensive applications that require a level of performance unattainable with a standard desktop PC. And, server, peripherals, software, monitors, and services also represent an important part in Think product line-up Placeholder - presentation title | Date - 6 April, 2006