The document summarizes a presentation given by Macello Medeiros at the 12th Annual Convention of the MEA on locative communication and place as a medium. It discusses an educational totem project in Salvador, Brazil that provides audio information about tourist locations using touch screens, Bluetooth, QR codes, and USB drives. It also covers locative communication versus locative media, how places can send phone-specific content, and some potential applications of locative communication on a university campus, including Bluetooth zones and books on demand. It concludes by questioning McLuhan's concept of "the light in the bedroom" and whether place can truly be considered a medium.
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Locative communication: Place as a medium?
1. Locative Communication: Place
as a Medium?
12th Annual Convention
of the MEA Space,
Place and McLuhan
Macello Medeiros, Ph.D
June, 23-26, 2011. Edmonton/AB,
2. Educacional Totem Project
Touch Screen Digital Totem
Audio files
Five tourist point at Pelourinho, Historic
Center of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: Terreiro de
Jesus, Catedral Bas鱈lica, Igreja de S達o
Francisco, Antiga Faculdade de Medicina e
Solar Ferr達o.
Bluetooth, QR Code and USB Drive
June, 23-26, 2011. Edmonton/AB, Canad叩 Macello Medeiros, Ph.D
4. Locative Communication
Communication and place
Locative Communitcation X Locative Media
Three aspects:
Mobile Interface Interaction
Digital Mobile Devices
Same context of production/emission and
reception fo information
June, 23-26, 2011. Edmonton/AB, Canad叩 Macello Medeiros, Ph.D
5. Locative Communication
Place sending information to mobile phones
as seen in bluetooth zones.
This content can be specific (or not) like a
discount coupon from a store or magazine.
These conditions give to te place a sense
and a meaning reforcing the sense of
Finally, increase the degree of relevance of
the place (face to face)
June, 23-26, 2011. Edmonton/AB, Canad叩 Macello Medeiros, Ph.D
11. McLuhan, Space and Place.
The light in the bedroom: what does this
meaning? What does make sense?
Place as a medium?
June, 23-26, 2011. Edmonton/AB, Canad叩 Macello Medeiros, Ph.D
12. Thank you for attention!
June, 23-26, 2011. Edmonton/AB, Canad叩 Macello Medeiros, Ph.D
Editor's Notes
Good Morning. My name is Macello Medeiros,. Im from Brazil. Its a honour for me to be here. First of all, I d like to thank Dr. Adria for accecpting my proposal and all organizers of Media Ecology Asssociation 2011. This presentation entitled Locative Communication: Place as a medium? is based on a project that I created in 2009 and developed further between october and december 2010. I will also present the concept locative communication - LC developed in my doctoral thesis Place of communication: A study of locative communication in the bluetooth zones.
The Educacional Totem Project was implemented during March to May 2011 in Pelourinho, Historic Center of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The project consists of available audio files containing narratives about five tourist sites: Terreiro de Jesus, Catedral Bas鱈lica, Igreja de S達o Francisco, Antiga Faculdade de Medicina and Solar Ferr達o. These sound narratives are sent to digital mobile devices through three forms: by bluetooth, QR Codes and USB driver. The users can choose which audio narrative (or more than one) they want downloaded from the touch screen digital totem. The purpose is to give the users, e.g. tourists, students, local residents, an experience of imersion surrounding each place. Hearing the sound narratives from a cell phone, the vistors can experience the senses and the meannings of these places. Lets see a v鱈deo about the project.
Two minutes.
This project can be considered a materialization of my doctoral thesis concluded in March 2011. The mayor issue discussed in my thesis was about the relationship between communication and place. The object of study was the Bluetooth zones and my hypothesis was that these experiences using Bluetooth could be considered a different form of communication. This is what I call Locative Communication. The relationship between Locative Communication and Locative Media is obvious, but what are the differences? In a few words, locative media refers to the technology or the use of devices and locative communication covers the entire process, including technology (in my point of view). Therefore, I卒ve established three aspects of analysis: 1) mobile interface interaction, referring to the kind of interaction (based on THOMPSONS卒 Theory), 2) the DMDs as technical mediums and 3) the co-presence of producer, transmitter and receptors of information.
Thus, the bluetooth zones gather these three aspects with the use of a cell phone to receive information about a place. This forces users to stay in the zones, in other words, getting the tramsitters and the receptors to interact simultaneously, in same the place and at the same time. Such information may be related to the place like a discount coupon, or in other cases only sending news about specific topics. So, whats happennig with this relationship between communication and place? These experiences demonstrate that its possible to increase the level of relevance to the place. Therefore, Its happening because the information about the place is being sent to the cell phones which adds meaning, reforcing the sense of belonging. For those visitors in Pelourinho, the experience with bluetooth zones can be compared with a face to face interaction, because of the interactive features (With the exception of the use of cell phone to receive the information, in other words, the mobile interface interaction).
Now, I will present three other projects that the Locative Communication could be applied to, for universities.
Firstly, the project Bluetooth News Unijorge that I developed and implemented in 2009 at Unijorge, a private instituition where I teach at the moment. This project consists of available academic information about the institution through a mobile magazine, downloaded by Bluetooth connection to the students mobile device. Lets see a video about it
One minute
The second project was presented for the same insttuition but It hasnt been implemented yet. Using the same concept as the project in Pelourinho, this project will be available to provide academic contents such as lessons in video, lessons in audio (such as podcasts), articles and even books
like the third project entitled Books On Demand. This project is only available on e-books found in the University library. It acts as a pathway to the librarys collection of books. In this case, the totems will be spread around the Campus, facilitating access to the books at the library.
To finish, Id like to return to my initial question. In view of these projects presented here, can I consider these places as mediums? According to Marshall McLuhan, what is the relationship between place and medium? In the Understanding Media, McLuhan talks about the light to explain that the medium is the message. Its interesting as McLuhan refers to the light based on a famous text by Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo perceived the light tresspassing the windows of Juliets room. What does this mean? Does it make sense? Well, I cant answer the question presented in the title yet. Maybe, it will still be my question of study after my doctoral period.