10. How can we learn
to trust each other?
through leading by example
by showing our members
they are trusted
by being transparent
11. How can we ensure we're all on the same
By creating Our Vision
and Our Values together
12. How can we make sure we all have an equal
opportunity to be heard?
We can discuss things first online.
We can have management meetings on
with an agenda set by the participants,
who can attend in person or online,
with decisions made by voting
after time-boxed discussions.
13. How can we structure our creativity?
We can provide a structure
for song proposals
14. How can we structure our creativity?
We can collaborate on song interpretation
15. How can we drive the work
required to run our group?
16. How can we drive the work
required to run our group?
We can
with awards
18. How can we ensure our quality improves?
We can teach good feedback
by analogy
19. How can we ensure our quality improves?
we can recognise members who
give and receive feedback well
20. How can we ensure our quality improves?
We can record
our songs so
its easy for
members to
practice at
home against
the latest
21. What if it doesn't work?
we can review
our process
22. So where are we now?
We have a website
We have a Facebook page
We have a Meetup
We have some Trello boards
We have some singers!
7 other choruses are
interested in our practices
We're kicking off on February 9
Come join us!
23. I have another dream
there are thousands of choruses around the
many belong to large umbrella organisations
like Sweet Adelines International and the
Barbershop Harmony Society
I want democracy to spread within these
and outside them, to other kinds of non-
profit organisations
24. A question for you
Do you think this can
work for companies?
25. Thank You!
Thank you ThoughtWorks, for having faith in me, giving me
wonderful opportunities, and
funding our inception venue
Thank you Matt, for introducing me to Trello and Design
Charrettes, and helping with our logo
Thank you Scott, for helping solve some
technical issues with our website
Thank you Kelly, for planting the seed in my brain
Thank you David, Josie and Tim for being
eternally loving and supportive
26. About Me
I have 20 years experience in the
software industry, working for 10
different organisations
I have 10 years experience as a
singer, singing with 10 different
groups (up to 5 simultaneously!)
I am currently working with
ThoughtWorks Australia in Sydney
Contact me regarding software
development practices
Contact me regarding Our Chorus