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Sofia, Bulgaria
PR & Events Coordinator
亟亳 仗仂仄礌舒舒, 从仂仂 亳从舒 亟舒 于亳亟亳 于 于亠舒.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Mahatma Gandhi
从仂 亳从舒 亟舒 亳仄舒 仆亠仂, 从仂亠仂 仆亳从仂亞舒 仆亠 亳 亳仄舒仍, 磡于舒 亟舒 仆舒仗舒于亳 仆亠仂, 从仂亠仂 仆亳从仂亞舒 仆亠 亳 仗舒于亳仍!
The only real voyage of discovery consist not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
"亠仆 弍亠亰 仄亳于从舒 亠 亠亟亳仆 亳亰亞弍亠仆 亟亠仆"...
(丼舒仍亳 丼舒仗仍亳仆)
A day without a laugh is a wasted day."
(Charles Chaplin)
"从仂 仆亠 亰仆舒亠 从亟亠 亳从舒 亟舒 仂亳亟亠-于亳仆舒亞亳 亳亞舒 仆磻亟亠 亟亞舒亟亠!"
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