亠 仂亳 仍亳从仂仄 仆舒仂亶亳于仂 亳仆亠亠仂于舒 仄仂亠亶 亢亳亰仆. 仆舒 仄仂亢亠 仂从舒亰舒 仆舒仂仍从仂 亳仆亠亠仆仂亶, 仂 于 舒亰仂舒亠亠 于 于仂亠亶.
If someone wants to be a part of my life, theyll make an effort to be in it,so don't bother reserving a space in my heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.
仆亠 仗仍亠于舒,仂 于 仂弍仂 仄仆亠 亟仄舒亠亠, 仂 于舒 仆亠 亟仄舒 于仂仂弍亠.
仍亳 于 仗仍ミ却亠 仄仆亠 于 仗亳仆, 亰仆舒亳 于仗亠亠亟亳 于舒!
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