This document summarizes a merger between Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL). Some key points:
- RIL was India's largest private company with $33 billion in revenue from refining and petrochemicals. RPL had a newer 580,000 barrel per day refinery.
- The merger combined their operations to create one of the world's largest refining companies by capacity. It aimed to unlock synergies in crude sourcing, product placement, and operations.
- The merger ratio was 1 RIL share for every 16 RPL shares. It increased RIL's equity base by 4.4% while reducing the promoter holding slightly
2. Reliance Industries
Scenario before merger-Indias largest
private sector enterprise with strong
Revenue exceeds $ 33 billion*
Exports of about $ 21 billion*
EBITDA of over $ 5 billion*
Significant global player in Refining and
Petrochemicals - contribute 98% to
RIL at an inflection point
Production of gas and oil from KG D6
to double Indias gas availability
Investment in a world-class, complex
refinery asset
Indias most valuable company
4. RIL Refining Mantras for Success
In 1999, RIL commissioned a large, world
class, complex refinery in record time at
competitive capital cost
Created industry benchmarks across various
operating parameters
Product slate designed to cater to fast growing
transportation fuels
segment and stringent product
specifications, across regions
Processed over 80 heavy/sour crude variants
from across the world
Consistently demonstrated higher GRMs
compared to global benchmarks
11. RPL
Crude processing capacity of 580,000
barrels/day, completed in a record time of 36 months
Higher complexity: Nelson Complexity Index of 14.0
Among the top 5% refineries globally with capability
to process ultraheavy crude (Average API of 24)
Built to supply ultra-clean fuels to meet the worlds
evolving needs
Focus on high growth transportation fuel segment
Lowest US$/complexity-barrel cost among recently
built refinery projects
Crude refining commenced on 25th Dec 08 and first
parcel of product exported in Jan 09
13. Merger Details
Appointed date of 1st April 2008
Merger ratio of 1 share of RIL for every 16 shares
of RPL
RPL shares held by RIL were cancelled. No fresh
treasury stock created
RIL issued 6.92 crore shares to RPL shareholders
4.4% increase in equity base from Rs 1,574 crore
shares to Rs 1,643 crore
Promoter holding in RIL reduced from 49% to
14. Merger Rationale
Unlock synergies from combined operations
Crude sourcing, Product placement, Supply Chain
Greater flexibility in operations planning Expansion of
refined product range
Optimized utilization of secondary process units and
Efficient utilization of combined cash flows
Integrated energy companies consistently get higher
valuations vis--vis pure refiners; Mitigate Holding
Company discount
EPS accretive
15. Amalgamated Entity
RPL transforms into a diversified business with
less cyclicality
RIL shareholders benefit from participating in
state of the art refinery without execution risk
Mitigate holding company discount
Integrated company valuation versus standalone
16. Integrated vs Standalone refineries
On a longer-term, sustainable basis, markets ascribe superior valuations to integrate
energy companies vis-a-vis standalone refiners
17. RIL vs RPL
RILs superior performance relative to RPL demonstrates its evolution
as a
world-class integrated energy company
20. Advisors
Valuation Advisors
Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd. And
Morgan Stanley India Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Transaction Advisors
J.M. Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. and
Kotak Mahindra Capital Co Ltd.
Fairness Opinion
DSP Merrill Lynch Ltd. (for RIL) and
Citigroup Global Markets India Pvt. Ltd (for RPL)
Legal Advisor
Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co.
Tax Advisor
PriceWaterhouse and Coopers Pvt. Ltd.
21. RIL Shareholding
Merger results in the creation of the worlds largest shareholder family of
around 3.7 million shareholders; Promoters diluted by 2%.
22. Impact of Merger Proposal
RIL among top 10 private sector refining
companies globally
Owned 2 of the worlds 3 largest, most complex
modern refineries
Worlds largest producer of ultra-clean fuels at a
single location
Among 50 most profitable companies globally
Among five largest producers of Polypropylene
23. Worlds Largest Refining Companies
RIL to be amongst Top 10 non-state owned refining companies globally
RIL has doubled its refining capacity with focus on scale and complexity
26. Non Dependency on outside fund a great
Crude prices movement- Key to margins
Discovery of Oil and Gas fields in KG D6
27. The RIL wrt PE Ratio, EV/EBITDA, PBV is
overvalued in the FY 09,10,11 when compare
with the Global Refining averages.
Though RPL entered late into KG-D6, after merge
the growth rate was increased.
Jamnagar petroleum complex is the largest
refinery with 13,00,000 BPD
GRM in FY 2011-USD $ 9.2 per barrel