Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Bislig, Surigao del Sur
Chief Executive Officer
i'm 50% sAnguine, 29.2% chOLeric, 16.6% phLegmAtic, and 4.2% meLAnchOLy..
i'm a fAst-pAced and a peOpLe-oriented individuAL..
since i'm 50% sAnguine.. i creAte enthusiAsm.. i lOve new and exciting oppOrtunities; freedOm frOm cOntrOL and detAiL; and oppOrtunity tO mOtivAte others.. i accept invOLvement with others and rejects isOLAtiOn.. my mAjOr strengths are outgOing and gets peOpLe mOtivAted and invOLved.. whiLe my mAjOr weAknesses are impuLsiveness and i mAy nOt fOcus attentiOn on detAiL or fActs.. i am mOtivAted by recOgnitiOn, apprOvAL, and visibiLity.. i'm fOcusing on future hAppenings- tends tO rush tO the next exciting thing.. my cOmmunicAtiOn is enthusiAstic, stimuLAting, ofte
Users following Marnelli Luar