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Hello everyone!!
We are your new friends
from Greece.
We are in the 4th
Our school is called
Primary School of Palaio Faliro
and it is near the sea.
Palaio Faliro is a suburb of Athens,
the capital of Greece.
We hope you like our cards!!
Hello, I am Antony, I'm 9 years old.
I like tae-kwon-do and basketball.
I am Apollo and I'm 9 years old.
I love football and basketball.
Hello! I am Athina and I am 9 years
old. I love dogs, especially Pugs!
I am Dato and I am 9.
My birthday is on October 24th.
Hello, I am Ellia and I am nine years old.
I love all animals.
Hello! My name is Eriola and I am nine years old.
My favourite fruit is watermelon.
I am happy to meet you.
Hello, I 'm Georgianna and I 'm 9 years old.
My birthday is on 18th
Hello! My name is Helen. I am 9,5 years old. My
favourite sport is basketball. My favourite colours
are red and blue. See you soon!!!!
Hello, I'm Jacke and I'm 10 years old.
I like swimming and football.
Hello, my name is Joanna. I am 9 years
old. My favourite sport is tennis.
I love elephants.
Hello, my name is John and I am 9,5 years
old. I like basketball and piano and I like
Hello,I am Leonidas and I am 9,5 years old.
I like football and basketball.
Hello! My name is Maria. I am 9,5 years old.
My favourite sport is swimming.
Hello, my name is Nick and I'm 9,5 years old.
I like basketball and football.
Hello,my name is Panos. My favourite sports are
swimming,football and basketball. See you soon!
Hello,My name is Rania. I am 9,5 years old. My favourite sport
is volleyball. My favourite food is burgers and chips. My
favourite colours are blue, purple and red. My favourite animals
are ducks and swans.
Hello! My name is Socrates. I am 9,5 years old. My favourite
sport is basketball. My favourite colours are black and blue.
See you soon!!!
Hello my name is Sotiris. I am 10 years old.
I like basketball and Maths.
Hello, I m Spyros. I am an AEK football fan.
I play football for Kouros Club.
My favourite colours are red and yellow.
Goodbye for now!!!

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里痢陸, 裡裡 里里 立裡 里立 陸立
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Maria Papadaki
Penfriendship 7th Primary School of Palaio Faliro, Athens, Greece & Leopoldo ...
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Maria Papadaki
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Maria Papadaki
Amazing animals presentation for our friends in 7th Primary School of Palaio ...
Amazing animals presentation for our friends in 7th Primary School of Palaio ...Amazing animals presentation for our friends in 7th Primary School of Palaio ...
Amazing animals presentation for our friends in 7th Primary School of Palaio ...
Maria Papadaki
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Maria Papadaki
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D1 class (School Year 2012-2013, English Teacher: Maria Papadaki) Presentation for penfriends in Spain and Russia

  • 1. Hello everyone!! We are your new friends from Greece. We are in the 4th grade. Our school is called 7th Primary School of Palaio Faliro and it is near the sea. Palaio Faliro is a suburb of Athens, the capital of Greece. We hope you like our cards!!
  • 2. Hello, I am Antony, I'm 9 years old. I like tae-kwon-do and basketball.
  • 3. I am Apollo and I'm 9 years old. I love football and basketball.
  • 4. Hello! I am Athina and I am 9 years old. I love dogs, especially Pugs!
  • 5. I am Dato and I am 9. My birthday is on October 24th.
  • 6. Hello, I am Ellia and I am nine years old. I love all animals.
  • 7. Hello! My name is Eriola and I am nine years old. My favourite fruit is watermelon. I am happy to meet you.
  • 8. Hello, I 'm Georgianna and I 'm 9 years old. My birthday is on 18th December.
  • 9. Hello! My name is Helen. I am 9,5 years old. My favourite sport is basketball. My favourite colours are red and blue. See you soon!!!!
  • 10. Hello, I'm Jacke and I'm 10 years old. I like swimming and football.
  • 11. Hello, my name is Joanna. I am 9 years old. My favourite sport is tennis. I love elephants.
  • 12. Hello, my name is John and I am 9,5 years old. I like basketball and piano and I like history.
  • 13. Hello,I am Leonidas and I am 9,5 years old. I like football and basketball.
  • 14. Hello! My name is Maria. I am 9,5 years old. My favourite sport is swimming.
  • 15. Hello, my name is Nick and I'm 9,5 years old. I like basketball and football.
  • 16. Hello,my name is Panos. My favourite sports are swimming,football and basketball. See you soon!
  • 17. Hello,My name is Rania. I am 9,5 years old. My favourite sport is volleyball. My favourite food is burgers and chips. My favourite colours are blue, purple and red. My favourite animals are ducks and swans.
  • 18. Hello! My name is Socrates. I am 9,5 years old. My favourite sport is basketball. My favourite colours are black and blue. See you soon!!!
  • 19. Hello my name is Sotiris. I am 10 years old. I like basketball and Maths.
  • 20. Hello, I m Spyros. I am an AEK football fan. I play football for Kouros Club. My favourite colours are red and yellow.