The document provides a list of actions individuals can take to help the environment, such as recycling bottles and paper, turning off lights and taps when not in use, using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, utilizing transportation methods like bicycles that don't pollute, and avoiding littering or wasting resources like energy. It encourages recycling, conserving water and energy, adopting sustainable transportation habits, reducing pollution and waste, and stresses that small individual actions can collectively make a positive environmental impact.
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Let’s take care of the1
1. Let’s take care of the
environment !!!!
•Federico Guimera
•Natalia Pinto
•Sofia Morel
•Luciana Pinto
•Renata Azzarone
•Azul Ozzan
2. • We must recycle bottles
• We must close the taps if we are not
using water.
• We must turn off the lights.
• We must recycle paper
• We should use the whole piece of
• We must use more solar and wind
3. • We should use solar panels
• We should use bicycles instead of cars
• We should use recycled bags
• We should share our cars to avoid
using more cars on the streets
4. • We mustn’t throw rubbish on the street
• We mustn’t dirty the beach
• We mustn’t throw rubbish in the sea
• We shouldn’t waste energy
• We mustn’t use too much energy during