Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Muntinlupa City
This is what writers do. We put pen to paper in times of devastating tragedy, and we try to make sense of it. Maybe we will find clarity in some of those words. Maybe we'll find peace. --Hayley Scott
I am:
* Confusing
* Secretive
* Smart (...I'm not lying!)
* Good in math (Ok, maybe now I am. But, I am seriously good at it)
* Independent (Miss Independent!)
* Kind
* Nice !!!(*Cough*)
* Short-fused (Mess with me or my friends and you're gonna get it!)
* Crazy (On special occasions)
* Mature (Where's the im- on the front?)
* Logical (1+1= 11 obviously!)
* Generous (Want a cookie?)
* A music lover (Me and my iPod are BFFs!)
Users following Marielle Astudillo